Chapter 3: The Battle of Worth Part two

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Omniscient POV

From up in the viewing room, the room was filled with tension and anxiety. "Does she really have to do this?" asked Luhan. " She could get hurt. The other members looked at the 3 guys that entered the room, they were bigger than her and even from up in the viewing room, you could feel their power. "Luhan's right, call this off." said Suho. " Patience young ones" said the headmaster. "Jin has the ambition and the endurance.

Anyways it is too late to call it off, the moment your manager questioned her ability, she was already determined to prove him wrong and that is what she will do, nothing can stop her, not me not you and not herself." "You see what she lacks in size she makes up for in strategy and agility." "She can handle her own because I believe in her." the headmaster finished talking and everyone stayed quiet as they turned to watch the match.

Jin's POV

"Begin!" yelled the manager. Everyone stayed still and silence filled the air because the first move determined the whole fight. I moved my eyes to the left where Chung-Ho was, to my right was Shin and in front of me was Dae-Hyun. I breathed slowly thinking of a strategy, what I was going to do was not going to be pretty-- to my left I saw Chung-Ho running towards me with his sword ready. "oh so that what they're going for." I thought.

I've seen that strategy before, this was one of the basic moves used, one person would distract the enemy while the other two would drive him into a corner. I ran backwards and the switched directions to where Shin was. He saw me coming and kept moving into a corner trying to draw me in, I switched and headed towards Dae-Hyun and then stopped in the middle where I could keep an eye on everyone. They looked at each other, trying to decide what to do next.

Then I saw Chung-Ho and Shin running towards me again, I stayed where I was and held my ground. Chung-Ho swung his sword at my side and I blocked it with my staff and as Shin tried to punch me, I wrapped my arm with his and had his back face me. he twisted and tried to turn but I held on and yanked on his arm-*BANG* a piercing pain ran down my back and then again in my head. I let go of both of them and I stumbled forward as I tried to get away.

I pressed my back against the wall and I saw Dae-Hyun. "remember hyung, never let your enemy out of your sight." He said. He was right, it was stupid decision making on my part. I panted but I ignored the pain. Shin started running towards me and I waited until he was close enough and I spun around getting momentum and I swung the staff at his ankles, he jumped over it and threw his fist at my face; I ducked and swung my staff upwards and it hit his arm.

He ran back a few steps and I could see Chung-Ho coming after me. I ran up to him gathering momentum and as I got close to him, I pushed my self upwards with my staff and used all of my strength to land behind him. Before he could react I hit him twice on his sides and kicked him in the back which threw him off balance and made him fall forward. Dae-Hyun and Shin were wary to come close to me. I decided to go on the offensive and ran towards Shin. I started to fight with him and I barely dodged one of his punches as it hit the wall, a saw that a piece of the wall broke.

oh, god. I was too busy fighting with Shin that I forgot to pay attention towards Chung-Ho who had just recovered that he used his sword to hit it on the back of my knees which made me crumple and fall. At that chance they took the opportunity to come at me full force. I just felt pain all over my body and flashing bursts of it would occur over and over again. As they knocked me down, I kept getting back up if I was going to get beat up I wasn't going to take it lying down. Until finally, one of Shin's punches made me lose my consciousness and I went down hard. I tried to cling to what little strength I had left but darkness overtook my body.

Omniscient POV

They watched in horror and amazement as Jin held her own against the three guys. They winced every time she got hit, but no matter what she would always get back up. they watched in anticipation as she looked like she was about to win this match but then the inevitable seemed to occur. They saw as Chung-Ho recovered and made Jin fall and they continued when they saw her get beat up. "stop the match" said Luhan. He had looked away not wanting to see. The Headmaster shook his head. "its too la-he felt a hand on his shoulder and saw Xiumin. "please stop the match." he said. The headmaster sighed and went to go and stop the match when they gasped. he turned to look and saw that Jin had gotten back up, her mouth was bleeding yet she was smiling.


I woke up and found myself on the floor. I stayed still and assessed my situation, out of the corner of my eyes I peeked out and I looked to see that the guys were looking at me with concern, I wasn't out for long and then I saw them standing in the positions they were in. it was too perfect. Slowly I staggered up and I blistering pain exploded in my head. I almost blacked out but I fought it and held it off with the rest of my pain. I felt my mouth bleeding, I leaned on the wall to give me support and then I looked at them and smiled. "whae?." I asked. "did you really think I would go down that easy? I'm not as weak as you might think." I winced at the pain in my chest but I continued to smile. "well guess what?" I continued. "its my turn now." slowly I moved my foot and I felt a slight tug of the invisible wire and I yanked it. Up they went and I saw them dangling from the ceiling. "game over." I thought. I saw Headmaster walking towards me with a smile. "I knew you could do it." he said. "kenchana, are you alright? he asked. I nodded but stopped as the pain started up again. " hey hyung!" yelled Shin. "how about letting us go?!" I tugged on the wire again and they fell on their backs groaning. "kamsamnida." I looked at the manager. " do you approve now?" I asked. The headmaster chimed in saying " to clarify, Jin fought the next best besides herself, all by herself." the manager didn't have an argument. "it's up to their approval now." he said looking at EXO. "

A/N: please forgive me for leaving the chapter half finished before. I was looking through it and realizes that a lot of it was missing!! :0 please forgive me jebal!! I don't know what happened when I published it but I did really finish it and to have it erased was not cool. anyways here's the rest. kkaepsong!

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