Chapter 26: Challenged

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Jin's POV

Today I was going to be discharged from the hospital, my ribs still gave me discomfort and I had to walk with crutches, I was healing well and fast. During my stay I was able to visit my father a lot and it gave me time to think and to just heal all wounds external and internal. The guys would come by everyday bringing gifts after gifts until no more seemed to fit in my room. Min would come by although never alone and things were very awkward between us, I wasn't really sure on how to act around her we hadn't spoken in so long I thought she had forgotten of me.

What was surprising was that the accident got leaked into the media and I received a lot of fan mail. They were all so happy that I had saved their Oppas and wished me a speedy recovery. My brothers never seemed to leave either always finding a way to sneak back in after visiting hours. I was so glad when I was able to leave, I was getting sick of the hospital and wanted a home cooked meal. As Lay and Luhan wheeled me out of the hospital and bright flashes disturbed my vision. A lot of paparazzi were outside as well as fans. Lay calmly wheeled me to the car smiling and slightly bowing. "Jin! we love you!" "thanks for protecting our Oppas!" many fans were yelling and tried their best to take pictures of me.

I saw a giant group with shirts saying "get well soon Jin Unnie/Noona!" They carried banners and waved at me. Are they a fan club? I thought. We got into the cars and drove away. "I have a fan club?" I asked. Lay laughed. "Yes, they've been sending a lot of presents to our dorm and to SM." he said. "Woah." I said. "It's a lot to take in right?" he asked. I nodded. He grabbed hold of my hand and didn't let go the entire car ride. We went up to the dorms and they stopped me right in front of the door. "Close your eyes." said Luhan. I closed them and they opened the front door.

"Surprise!" I opened them and I saw decorations hanging, a banner saying "Welcome home Jin!", lots of snacks and sweets and surrounding it were all of the guys, My brothers, and Min. Baekhyun hopped into my lap and I both winced and laughed in pain. "Jiiin! welcome home!" he said. "Baekhyun! get off of Jin!" exclaimed Kai. "Yeah, I want to sit on Jin's lap!" said Sehun. Kyungsoo dragged Baekhyun away from Jin. "D.O cooked all day to make this special so I hope you're hungry!" said Tao. I looked over at Kyungsoo. We made eye contact and he looked away blushing. "It wasn't that big of a deal." he whispered. "Aw, hyung!" said Sehun.

I hobbled over to the table and sat down next to Suho and Kai. "It's good to have you back, angel." said Kai winking. I nodded, blushing. There was a lot talking and laughing, it was good to be back. "Noona!" yelled Shin from across the table. "Aish! you don't have to yell Shin, she's right there." scolded Dae-Hyun. "Mianhe." sulked Shin. "What is it?" I asked. "You know the tournament is in 3 weeks, how are you going to compete?" Chung-Ho hit Shin in the back of the head. "I thought we weren't going to tell her about that." he said.

I stopped everything I was doing. The tournament had completely slipped my mind. *buzz* I looked down at my phone. It was a message from an unknown number. "Heard about your little accident princess, guess that means you won't be competing in the tournament after all. I knew a weakling like you couldn't handle it. Good thing that car hit you when it did. Now you don't have to go up against me and lose but I do expect you to keep your end of our bet, say good bye to pretty boy. I'll see to it you'll be treated like the piece of trash that you are. "

Sang-Kyu, how did he get ahold of my number? I quickly answered back. "Who said I wasn't competing? I'll be at the tournament for sure and stronger than ever you can believe that and get ready to lose, rat face." I breathed out slowly. "Everything okay Jin?" asked Suho. I looked at him and his face was filled with concern. "Yeah never better." I turned to Shin. "Who said I wasn't competing?"

"You can't be serious!?" Yelled Dae-Hyun. "You're in no condition to fight!" "I've never been more serious in my entire life and the doctor said I would be fine in a week." I replied. "I'm not allowing it." said Dae-Hyun. "It's not your decision." I said. Everyone felt the tension in the air and were looking at us back and forth. I briefly looked over at Lay and saw him nod as if telling me to do it. I smiled and looked back at Dae-Hyun. "I'm going to compete in the tournament, I made a bet with Sang-Kyu and I intend to see it through, I'm not giving up before the battle even begins. You can choose to help me or to walk away." I said.

Dae-Hyun got up abruptly and walked away, slamming the door. Chung-Ho got up slowly. "I'll go talk to him." he said. "You're really going to compete?" whispered Shin. "Yes." I said. "Are you against this too?" Shin shook his head no. He smiled wide and he had sauce all over his face. "You know I'll always be on your side one hundred percent noona always!" he said. I sighed. "You're such a kid, seriously. I grabbed a napkin and pressed it to his face. He stuck his tongue out at me. "You know you love me." he said. Chung-Ho and Dae-Hyun both walked back into the room. "Are you still against this?" I asked. Dae-Hyun let out a defeated sigh. "Aniyo, I don't like that you're going to be in the tournament but I'm not going to stop you but you have to understand you're like my little sister and I just want you to be safe." he said.

"I'm not a baby, I can take care of myself."
"I know you can but I just worry." "you know you wouldn't have to if you helped me." I said. " Very subtle Jin." "does that mean you'll help me?" I asked. "Of course i'll help, we all will." he said. "I'll help too!" exclaimed Tao. "Of course we're all here for you Jin!" said Chanyeol. I smiled. "Thanks guys."

Omniscient POV

Afterwords everyone was in the living room just relaxing and playing games. Min kept glancing over at Jin, hesitant. She stood up and walked up to Jin. "Um, Jin can we talk?" she asked. Jin looked at her, eyes guarded not letting any emotion but cold distance. "Okay, talk." she said. " Can we talk alone?" asked Min. Jin raised an eyebrow in question but she go up. "Where are you going Jin? we were just about to play!" said Baekhyun. "Uh, me and Min are just going to go outside for a bit, have a walk." she said. "We'll be right back."

Both of the girls walked outside. The evening air was cool and it was a bit windy. "Okay now talk." said Jin. "It's nice to see you." said Min. "Nice to see you too." said Jin. "Um, how have you been?" asked Min. "Well I got hit by a car and fell into a coma but other than that fantastic." said Jin sarcastically. Min laughed softly. "Okay I deserve that one." "Is this what you really wanted to talk about?" asked Jin. "No. Do you want to sit down?" asked Min. Jin sat down on a bus bench. Min sat down next to her.

" I was a bit surprised to hear that you were EXO's bodyguard." said Min.
"What am I really that incapable of being a bodyguard?" asked Jin. "No! no, of course not but you were so distant when the accident happened but I can see that you've changed a lot since we last spoke. You actually smile a lot more and laugh. When that happened to your dad you shut me out, you shut everyone out. I was so sad, that- I couldn't help you." Min sniffled.

"I just needed time to heal." whispered Jin. "I was upset and I didn't want to feel and you could always make me laugh, but I felt it wasn't right to be able to laugh and be happy when my dad was in a coma. I was trying to punish myself for being so weak." Min looked at Jin. " Not talking to me was your punishment?" she asked. Jin nodded and smiled. "You were my best friend, you knew exactly what I was thinking even before I did, I was always happy around you. I had to cut out all happiness including you."

"I'm still your best friend, I never stopped." said Min. "When you left you never told me where you went, did you know how scared I was? How confused? It was only when I saw you in the paper about you being the first girl to get into that martial arts school that I knew you were safe." "I'm sorry Min, I thought with time you would forget about me and move on." said Jin. "How could I move on! We were practically sisters! and you just left without so much as a goodbye!" Min started to cry and cry.

"Forgive me Min, I was only thinking of myself I was selfish." said Jin. Jin reached over and hugged Min. "Come on Min-Min, don't cry." she whispered. Min giggled. She wiped away her tears. "Okay Jin-Jin." Jin groaned. "Min-Min and Jin-Jin." said Min. "Lets head back to the dorms." said Jin. Jin held out her hand and Min took it. "So are you going to tell me what's going on between that love triangle of yours?" asked Min. "How did you find out?!" exclaimed Jin. "Tao and Luhan told me."

"ugh, great. I'm so going to talk to them later. " Said Jin. "So?" asked Min. "I'll tell you all about it later, we have all the time in the world." said Jin. "Because we're never separating again, right?" asked Min. "Right." said Jin. And the two walked hand in hand back to the dorms.

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