Chapter 11: The Truth

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Back to the present

Omniscient POV

Suho walked back to the other members who were waiting in the practice room. They turned to look at him. "Did you talk to her?" they asked. Suho shook his head no. He stayed silent. "Hyung, is something the matter?" asked Chanyeol. He thought about it before he said it out loud. "I went to go talk to her but she was crying." He said. "Wait, did I make her cry?" asked Sehun. "Aniyo." said Suho. "I think it has something to so with her family." "What do we do then?" asked Baekhyun. Suho sighed. "I don't think there isn't anything we can do."he said. "But we can't give up like this!" said Kai. "Why don't we try going out to eat and try to talk to her, she'd have to talk to us then right?" said Chen. "We won't know until we try." said Lay.


After I was done talking to Chung-Ho, I went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror and saw that my face was red, my cheeks, my nose and my eyes. This always happened when I cried. I washed my face with cold water and waited for my face to turn back to normal and then I headed back out to see where the guys had gone off to. I saw them still in the practice room and it looked as if they were waiting for me. "Jiiin, what took you so long? We were waiting for you to go and get something to eat." said Sehun. "sorry." I said. "lets go!" said Chanyeol.He draped his arm around my shoulders, I tried moving forward to get his shoulder off but it did no good. We walked the streets of Seoul and fans were everywhere, taking pictures and just staring at them. Luckily they didn't notice me, they probably thought I was just another part of the staff.

We walked some distance until we arrived at a restaurant. I tried sitting down at an area away from them but they followed me and surrounded me. I felt trapped. I went to the bathroom to get away and when I got back they had already ordered. I sat down and tried to ignore them like I usually did but they kept glancing at me. I looked up at them. "Jin-ah, how do you like it here in Seoul?" Asked Suho. "it's nice." I said. The conversation ended.

"Jin, how long have you been learning martial arts?" asked Tao. "It's been 5 years." I said. "Have you always been at an all boys school?" asked Suho. "Aniyo, I started going when I was 12." I replied. They all nodded and that's when I noticed they all were paying attention. "What about your family, didn't they object to you going?" asked Baekhyun. I swallowed hard. I shook my head. "They weren't worried, they knew I could take care of myself." I said.

At that moment the food arrived and the smell was an odor I long ago had tried to forget. "its okay that we ordered black bean noodles for you right?" said Chanyeol. "I'm not that hungry actually." I said as I tried to swallow the bile back. "What? you're way too skinny to not eat." Said Kai. The rest nodded. "its not good for you if you don't eat." said Lay. I held my breath as I mixed the sauce with the noodles and then grabbed some and put them in my mouth. I chewed and chewed and forced myself to swallow; what I had once loved had now turned itself into my personal hell.

"Is it good?"asked D.O. I did my best to nod. Memories came back to me as I kept eating, things I thought I had forgotten hit me like a hammer. I started to shake and I started to gasp for air. I could feel tears coming into my eyes. "Jin-ah, kenchana? are you okay?" I looked up and saw Xiumin and Luhan were looking at me with concern. I tried wiping away my tears but that just caused more to come. They all looked at me, alarmed. I felt Chanyeol touch my arm but I slapped it away. Kai held on to my hand. "what's wrong Jin?" he asked.

"Nothing." I said. "that's not true." said Kris. "why do you even care!" I yelled. "just leave me alone." I ran out of the restaurant and I kept running. Day had turned into night and I quickly got lost. I calmed down to a walk and sat down on a bench. I started to cry. "what's wrong pretty girl? why are you crying?" I turned to see 3 guys come up to me. "great. I thought. "just great."

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