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Y/n was a young lady, whom attended to Yonsei college in Seoul South Korea, she was a very independent young girl, so she moved out of her parents house to a little apartment on the outskirts of Seoul.
She had a job at the library to pay for her expenses, she didn't know a lot if people in campus, but she wasn't from the rejected pack, she was very smart also she very sociable young woman, who wasn't really lucky in the love department.

The morning had arrived so y/n felt like destroying the alarm clock whom was announcing the morning.
-" ughhh, five more minutes please!"
She threw the covers off her body before she slowly dragged herself in the bathroom.
She got herself ready, it was snowing in South Korea so she bundle up really well, then grabbed her backpack before putting her shoes on walking out the door, making her way to the train station.
When she made it there she noticed that the train was about to leave so she began to run, she was almost there when the doors began to close.
-" no, no please I'm almost there!!
Miraculously a tall, slim boy prevented the door from closing.
Out of breath she got inside then vowed to the young man.
He turned around quickly moving away from her to find a sit.
She shrugged her shoulders then walked the opposite way to do the same thing but it was full so she just stood up.
She took another glance to the young man, he was bundled up from head to toes, had a beanie, a face mask, gloves, sunglasses.
After a while the train stopped at y/n's stop she walked out, she didn't realized that the tall boy also got off at the same stop, she didn't care about anything at that point the only thing she wanted it was somewhere warm and cozy, she walked to the coffee shop at campus since she still had 30 minutes before class.
The tall boy went inside the coffee shop as well to order some black coffee but quickly walked out the door.
Y/n realized too late that it was the same boy that held the door for her at the train station.
-" aish, why I didn't notice him before I could have gotten him some coffee to give him thanks, oh well another time I guess if I find him again.
She paid for her stuff then walked thru campus to her class room.
As she got closer she heard loud yelling and laughs.
-" what the heck is going on in here, did everyone went crazy early this morning?"
As she walked by she saw a group of students gathered laughing at something or someone.
When she finally reached the bunch she saw the some of football team players bullying a guy, they have spilled the cup of iced coffee on his clothes, he was trying to dodge the kicks and the punches.
They were pushing him and kicking his books, she ran pushing some of the students out of the way making her way to where he was on the floor with his clothes ruined from the coffee.
-" what the hell do you think you are doing?"
She yelled bending down to check up on him, when she took a closer look she finally recognized him. The guy from the train.
-" why do you care?, he is just a geek!!!
-" well that's not a sin, is it?, it's better than been an asshole like you!!!
She spat at the guy.
-" what, who the hell are you anyway?"
-" I'm his friend so either you leave him alone or else!!!
-" or else what?"
He walked up to her but thankfully a teacher showed up.
-" what's going on here?"
The professor asked making everybody scattered like roaches.
-" nothing professor Jung.
The football player said.
-" nothing, really, so how come Namjoon is on the floor with the coffee spilled all over him?'
-" I slipped professor don't worry about it?"
Y/n turned her head to him with confusion.

-"are you freaking serious?
-" really Namjoon, is that what happened?"
The professor asked once more.
-" yes sir.
Namjoon said lowering his eyes.
-" what?!, that's not...
Y/n began to protest but he grabbed her wrist to look at her with pleading eyes.
-" please don't make it worse than what already is.
He almost begged.
-" yes sir that's what happened.
She bit her tongue so she wouldn't snap at Namjoon for letting them get away with bullying him like that.
-" well, is that what happened everyone head to class and you young lady, would you mind help him get cleaned up?"
-" yes sir.
As the professor walked away, y/n helped Namjoon to get up, he began to walk to the restroom.
-" I can't believe you lie to Mr. Jung, why?"
-" look, I appreciate your help but I got enough problems to add the football team to my list of problems.
He walked in front of her and she followed.
-" but if you don't do anything is going to get worst.
-" and if I do it'll get even worst, please stay out of it, now if you excuse me I got to get cleaned up so I can get to class.
He said walking inside the boys restroom.
-" what the hell was that?"
She shook her head then walk to class.
Once there she made it to an empty seat placing her stuff sitting down to wait for the teacher.
She had her head down, the only thing in her mind was Namjoon's eyes.
-" what the hell y/n, are you stupid?, forget about what happened.
She scolded himself, when she lifted her head as the teacher announced that class was starting, she noticed that Namjoon walked in then sat down in front of the classroom.
-" what?, he is in this class, how haven't I noticed him?, it has been couple of weeks since we started.
She realized that he was very quiet and barely talked.
-" am I like the others, how come I didn't notice him?"
-" miss y/l/n, are you here with us?"
-" yes Mr. Jung sorry.
She said before noticing how Namjoon's body tensed when hearing her name looking back until their eyes met.
After class everyone began to leave the classroom; she watched him stay in his seat until everyone left, then he began to put his stuff away finally walking out of the room.
She followed him trying to catch his attention but he had his earbuds on.
She walked as fast she could but his long legs took long strides getting lots in the crowd of students.
She sighed turning around walking towards the library.

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