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In the morning the boys woke up and got ready to go to class.
As they walked out the door of Namjoon's building, he stopped them for a second.
-" wait here boys I need to get something important.
The boys looked at each other as they watched their friend cross the street then walked in the building across.
He was wondering which was her floor but specifically her apartment, but his wondering didn't last long because she opened the door walking out of her apartment, when she made down the steps, she saw Namjoon on the first floor.
-" good morning y/n.
He smiled brightly at her.
-" good morning Joonie, what are you doing here?"
-" well we are going to the same place, so I wondered if you want to walk with me, if not it's ok, I'm sorry I shouldn't have taken the liberty of coming here...

-" I love to Joonie, let's go.
-" wait, before we go we won't be alone.
She looked at him confused.
-" why, are those boys back?"
-" nope, but these 3 young ones stayed over last night.
He said opening the door so she could see the young ones waiting across the street.
-" yay, I don't mind at all. Let's go.
She grabbed him by his jacket pulling him out the door.
-" look boys, y/n lives across the street.
Jimin said making the other boys look.
-" let's go!!
Jungkook said already half way almost to the other side.
-" this little...
Taehyung began to run to catch up      - wait Jungkook!!
-" yah, wait for me!!"
Jimin yelled running behind them

Y/n and Namjoon were dying of laughter watching them cross the street.
-" good morning y/n.
Jungkook said with a vow.
-" Kookie, can I call you Kookie?"
-" you can call whatever you want noona, I mean y/n.
-" ok well you can speak informal to me I don't care for that.
-" gotcha y/n.
-" well Kookie, good morning.
After they greet each other.
-" come on or we are going to miss the train boys and little lady.
They began to walk to the train station, they barely made it, so quickly ran in the train to Seoul.
-" hyung why didn't you tell us that she lived across the street?"
Taehyung stared at Namjoon.
-" because knowing you 3, you would have gone across the street and knock on every door until she opened, it really wasn't too late last night for that.
-" but we could have invited her to come over and eat with us.
-" that either, she just met us, she is a young lady, it wouldn't be ok her being with us alone at my place when she just met us.
-" true that hyung, respect the ladies.
Jungkook said smiling at Namjoon.
They finally made it to their stop, when they walk out of the station they found the older guys waiting for them.
They got super excited when they saw y/n with them.
-" wait, where the hell are all of you coming from?"
-" Yoongiah if you haven't notice is a lady present.
Jin said smacking him in the arm.
-" it's ok Jin.
She smiled at Yoongi.
-" let's get some coffee, it's almost time for class.
Hoseok whined.
-" come on Hobi, I need some too badly/
Y/n said grabbing his arm as they walked to the coffee shop.
-" yah, wait for us.
They all ran after them.
After they get their coffee they made their way to class.
-" ok, it's time to split up.
Jungkook said to the others.
-" yep before the football team set eyes on us and we get beat up early in the morning.
Jimin said as he shrugged his shoulders.
-" what?!"
Y/n said out loud.
-" they all beat you up.
-" yep every morning if we all walk together.
Namjoon looked at y/n with sad eyes.
-" omg boys, you can't keep running like this from them.
-" I'm not running I'm black belt in taekwondo but I'm just one so they will cream me.
-" well, we can put up a fight but we have no chance of lasting long.
Taehyung threw his arm around Jungkook's shoulders.
-" that's bs boys.
She said looking at all of their faces with pain in her heart.
-" can you tell someone?"
-" we could tell my dad but it'll be worst y/n.
-" who is your dad, does he work in campus?"
-" yes silly, Mr. Jung is my dad.
Jhope said poking her nose.
-" really, I would have never thought of that.
-" I know look at what his son looks like.
-" for God's sake, could all of you stop saying that you are ugly or stop feeling like you are less than the others, all of you are beyond the word beautiful, your beauty come from inside those beautiful hearts that you have inside your chest. You have to learn how to love yourselves.
-" we will work on it if you work on yours too y/n.
Namjoon said.
-" deal...
-" boys we have to move now, there is assholes coming our way.
Yoongi said as he pulled Jin and Hoseok.
-" come on boys...
Jimin pulled Kookie and Tae with him.
-" come on y/n.
Namjoon pulled her but she wasn't trying to move.
-" no Joonie I'm not scared.
-" please come with me.
He begged her.
She sighed, then both began to run.
Kangin and the rest of the boys with him split up too trying to get all of the boys and y/n.
-" where are we going Namjoon?"
-" to hide, each group has their own hiding spot, I'm usually with the young ones, they are my little brothers and I will protect them at all cost and now you too.
He smiled at her as they made it the the classroom.
-" let's get in here...
-" where are we going to hide Joonie?"
-" you'll see.
As they get inside there a large filling cabinet with nothing inside, he opened the door, both of them got  inside, as soon as he closed the door, Kangin slammed the door open, making y/n jump almost out of her skin.
-" shhh, I'm here with you...
He covered her mouth while holding her as close to his body as he possibly could.
She felt his warmth it made her feel less scared.
She held onto him for dear life, she began to tremble when he heard voices outside.
-" they came in here, I saw them...
-" it's ok.
His lips were at her ear, that's when she forgot everything in the world but him and her.
She laid her head on his shoulder.
Until they heard Mr. Jung's voice in the classroom.
-" what are you doing in my class room, get out before I suspend you for the rest of the semester, if you hurt my son or one of my son's friends I'll make sure you don't pass the grade and stay here with me another year.

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