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2 weeks later it was graduation day for the boys and y/n, they were excited but sad at the same time specially y/n and Namjoon.
The boys were sick of them not having the courage enough to tell each other how they felt about each other when it was so obvious for everyone else.
They were hoping that today was the day, since they were going on a tour thru America for the next few months with the last stop being in Japan.

The graduation was exciting Namjoon and y/n graduated valedictorian in the area of specialization.

Y/n just followed Namjoon with her eyes while he walked to get his diploma, he looked so handsome and so sexy, she thought at some point that she was drooling.
The same with him when she went to grab hers, he wouldn't blink for a second so he wouldn't miss any moment of whatever time he had left with her.
After the graduation ceremony was over their parents and them have gathered at Hoseok's for a party at his place whom his parents had organized they invited Y/n to come too since her parents didn't even show up to the graduation.
Namjoon felt really sad about her parents not showing up to such an important day for her.

She brought extra clothes and other stuff because most likely they were going to stay over since there was going to be a lot of alcohol in the mix.
Once they made it to the house they walked up to in one of the rooms that Hoseok's parents had prepared for them, y/n and Namjoon walked in first  they were going to get changed, he placed his backpack, he was gathering his clothes when he realized that y/n was already half undressed.

-" what are you doing y/n?"
-" what does it look like I'm doing lanky? I'm changing clothes I want to be comfortable at the party.
-" yah, I'm still here though.
-" so what? you are my best friend, I don't care is not I'm like completely naked.
She turned bending over to grab her clothes out of her bag, Namjoon felt his lower region awakening, it wasn't the right moment for that.
-" damn girl...
He mumbled before walking to the bathroom as fast as I could.
-" she just doesn't even know that she is killing me slowly, why does she has to do that to me?, I'm still a man you know, this is what happens, I get hard as a rock unfortunately I can't just bang her brain out, but one of this days my gentleman side is going to say "Fuck it", I'm just going to make her scream my name.
-" Joonie?"
His thoughts got cut off by her sweet voice calling his name.
-" yes darling?
-" are you using the toilet?"
-" no I'm just changing.
-" I got to use it please.
She said opening the door quickly sitting on the toilet.
-" y/n what are you doing?, I was going to let you in but I was going to wait outside.
-" aish, Joonie you don't have to leave I'll only be a second, just change your clothes.
As she finished she walked up to the sink to wash her hands, he just looked at her, his mouth felt dry, his body just heated up, he really had to control himself not to jump on her and do all the things that were going thru his mind at the moment.
As she was going to walk out the restroom she turned and looked at him.
-" I am not bothering you, am I Joonie?
-" no I'm fine.
She walked back to hug him then walked out.
-" I'll be out here waiting, quickly sir.
She smiled, then he closed the door, he finally got his soul back in his body.
-" she is going to bust my balls, if she keep playing like this, ughhh I'm almost out of time.
As he finished changing he opened the door walking out of the bathroom, she walks up to him with a box wrapped up.
-" here Joonie congrats.
-" what's this darling?"
-" graduation present.
-" you didn't have to do this y/n.
-" I know lanky but I wanted to.
She smiled while he unwrapped the box, when he opened it, there was a pair of nice sunglasses.
-" aigooo, my little koala they are amazing just like you, thank you.
He hugged her tightly.
-" I'm glad you like them lanky.
-" but I knew you were going to be sneaky like this so I did it too.
-" what do you mean?"
-" I got you something too, I hope you don't think is lame.
-" I would never think that lanky.
He took 2 boxes out of the closet.
-" 2 Namjoon?"
-" yes I didn't think one was enough, after all you have done for me, you befriended me with no questions asked darling, helped me when I was in trouble.
-" aigooo, please don't do this lanky, you are going to make me cry.
She opened the small box , it had a heart pendant.
-" woah, this is too much Joonie.
-" for you, no it's not.
His dimple smile was on display for her.
-" here let me help you put it on.
He takes the necklace from her  putting it on for her.
-" omo Joonie is gorgeous!
-" glad you like it.
-" what's in that big one then?
-" it's something from the new merch that our company is beginning to make to sell, please don't laugh.
-" why would I laugh?, stop saying that please.
She unwrapped the box, when she opened it found a sweatshirt with the group logo and his name on the back.
-" what do you think y/n?"
-" wow Namjoon this is amazing!"
-" is the one that they gave us, they haven't put the merch out just yet, so I'm giving you mine, so please take care of it like it's me.
-" of course I will don't worry, thanks so much, now I will have a little bit of you with me everyday.
His facial expression saddened at the thought of not seeing her everyday anymore.
-" aigoo, we may not be able to see each other every day but, we are always going to be friends, right?"
-" of course lanky for life.

Someone knocked on the door.
-" yes, come in.
Jungkook opened the door.
-" are you guys ok?"
-" yes JK. why?"
-" you are taking too long, we are waiting on you 2, aigoo the sweatshirt.
He said pointing at the sweatshirt that Namjoon had given y/n.
-" yes I gave her mine so she can have something to remind her of me now that we won't see each other as often as we do now.
-" why are you saying sad things hyeong?"
-" well my boy is the truth, we can just ignore it unfortunately.

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