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She went inside the library, sighing with relief when she found a corner table, away from everybody.
Y/n was very social but she rather be alone, her parents always fussed at her for that, but that's who she was.
She went around looking for a new book to read, she wasn't a book worm but she loved to read, maybe she was after all.
She kept looking until she heard a deep voice whispering behind her, she got startled turning to find Namjoon behind her.
-" here read this one is one of my favorites.
He said handing her a book.
Hitchikers's guide to the galaxy..
Before she could thank him he was gone again.
-" what's with this boy?'
She shook her head as she walked back to her table, she opened the book and began to read.
She smiled, it was a really good book also funny too, after a while she took the book walking up to the counter borrowing taking it with her.
After that she left the library, it had begun to snow again, her stomach rumble reminded her that it was time to eat.
-" well I think it has been long enough, I need some food now.
She walked in the cafeteria quickly making her way to the line, grabbing a tray, after buying what she wanted, she paid then roamed around trying to find a seat, she looked around but every table was taken, until she saw a table with only one person, she walked fast placing her tray on the table while  asking him...
-" can I sit with you?"
The person looked up at her, she saw Namjoon staring at her like she had lost her mind.
-" you can sit with me, if you don't mind sitting with a nerd.
-" why would it bother me sitting with you?"
-" every student here dislike my presence except for my friends whom are like me bookworms or nerds like everybody call us.
She sat down still staring at him.
-" I'm not like everyone, do you have a name?"
-" why would you like to know?"
-" well, I don't want to call you, the kid with the coffee stain.
Namjoon's lips curved upward slightly while staring back at her.
-" fine, Kim Namjoon is the name, how about if I know the name of my rescuer?
-" y/n, nice to meet you.
She gave him a smile making his cheeks turn pink.
-" so where are your other friends, if you don't mind me asking?"
-" either class or library.
-" ahhh, could I meet them one day?
-" sure, after school, we got a club, you could come around if you have time but just if you feel like hanging with 7 dorks.
-" why do you keep calling yourself and your friends that Namjoon?"
-" well that's what everyone calls me so I'm used to.
-" well don't do it in front of me, If you are smart that's great, that's nothing to be made fun of or ashamed of nevertheless.
He couldn't believe what he was hearing from her, it was the first time that someone, specially a girl was treating with kindness, not insulting him like the other girls did.
-" thanks for earlier y/n, but you didn't have to do that.
-" I know but I wanted to Namjoon.
-" do you know that Kangin won't let this go so easily?, you just brought all kind of heat to you.
-" yes, so I don't care Namjoon, I'm not scared of that jackass.
-" I can take whatever he does to me but now I got to worry about you and that he won't hurt you.
-" Namjoon you don't have to worry about me, I'll be fine.
His facial expression was very serious.
She finished her food getting got up first.
-" nice to meet you Namjoon, I got to head to class, I'll see you later at your club, where...
She cut herself off.
-" how about I give you my number so you can text me where do I have to go?"
Namjoon almost choke on the last piece of his sandwich.
-" are you ok?"
She looked at him with concern while patting his back.
-" yes I'm fine, I'm sorry.
-" aigoo boy, don't scare me like that.
She sighed then fixed her hair.
-" give me your phone Namjoon.
She extended her hand,  his eyes widened.
-" really, are you being serious?
-" of course.
He fished  his phone out of his pocket handing it to her still in disbelief.
After she finished typing she handed his phone back.
-" here put yours in mine just in case you forget to text me, so I can find you later.
He nodded, typing his number then gave her the device back.
-" ok, I'll see you later Namjoon!"
She waved before walking away.
-" what just happened here?"
He still couldn't believe it, until he heard the beeping of his phone, he looked down it was a text from her.

-" just making sure you gave me the real number 😉!"
He looked up finding her in the hallway of the cafeteria waving at him, he couldn't stop the grin in his face so he  lifted his hand shyly to wave back at her.
After she was no longer in sight he got up putting his tray back, walked off to class, smiling to himself.
-" she is very pretty cute and doesn't mind me being a dork.

He got inside the classroom smiling like heaven had smiled at him.
Until someone sat besides him.
-" why are you smiling like an idiot Namjoonssi?"
A male voice broke up Namjoon from his thoughts.
-" hey Hobi, you won't believe what happened to me today.
-" what happened?"
-" the football team was picking on me as usual..

-" that's nothing new Namjoon, why didn't you call us?"
-" didn't have to, this girl came out of nowhere and told them off, shortly after she stood up for me your dad came around sending everyone away.
-" did you tell him what happened?"
-" no...
-" why not, are you stupid?"
-" I didn't want to make matters worst Hobi.
-" well I thought about her, I'm sure that they are going to be bothering her now since she stood up for me.
-" don't worry if they bother her, we will handle it, don't matter if we get beat up.
-" I invited her to come to our glee club.
-" what, why she is going to know that we are dorks.
-" Hobiah she already knows I told her, that's why she wants to meet you guys, or so she says.
-" wait, what?!"
-" she doesn't care, she even got mad at me because I call myself a nerd.
-" woah, Joon, this is a major break through/
-" I still can't believe it, she put her number in my phone and made me put mine on hers.
-" what, is there something wrong with her, you the biggest dork in campus, God has shine his light over you finally.
-" yes he has Hobi.
Both of them laughed until the teacher came thru the door and everyone quiet down.

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