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She just stared at his plump lips but his deep voice brought her back to reality.
-" y/n, where is the first aid kit y/n?"
-" ahhh, is right there in that cabinet.
-" come and sit here for me.
He said picking her up placing her on the counter before he went to get the first aid kit, she followed his every movement without taking her eyes off him.
When he came back, he placed it right beside her opening the kit looking for burning cream.
-" Joon please do not worry, I can do it is not a big deal.
-" y/n, you helped me when I was in trouble the other day, let me help you now, I want to.
He looked into her eyes, she just gave in letting him treat the burn.
He was so gentle and soft.
After he finished he brought her down.
-" go sit down I'll get the pizza in the living room.
-" but...
-" no buts, you have been tagged out.
He made her turn white patting her head.
She pouted but walked to the living room.
-" open two beers for us, I'm coming out now...
Namjoon said as he walked out of the kitchen with the food placing it on the table in front of her.
She played a the movie which they watched while eating and drinking all the food and the snacks.
After few hours the movie had been finished along with the food and the beer.
Y/n got rid of the trash while Namjoon washed the dishes.
She went to grabbed a blanket from her room for him, when she came back, Namjoon was out like a light on the sofa, the sight made her smile while throwing the blanket over him, she just looked at him for a minute.
-" you are so handsome Namjoon inside and out, don't you ever believe those lies that those awful people say, you are not ugly...
She said then walked away.
-" so are you love.

He mumbled which made her turn around, she freeze in place turning her head but when she looked at him, his eyes were still closed or so she thought.
-" go to bed y/n, you are just imagining things.
She walked up to her room, once she was gone Namjoon opened his eyes.
-" she is getting stuck deep inside my heart, what am I going to do?, this is not the life for her, with a dork like me, she deserves better.
His thoughts all feelings that she was awakening within him made him feel overwhelmed, he laid down until the tiredness finally beat him.

In the morning, y/n woke up trying to get herself together but she rememberi that Namjoon was still laying down on her couch, she jump out of the bed running to the living room, but he was gone.
Her heart sunk, feeling disappointed, walked to her bathroom to wash up and then get dressed, when she walked out of the room, she saw Namjoon coming back inside.

-" morning y/n.
He said with a dimple smile.

-" Joonie,  I thought you left.
-" why would I do that?, I would not leave without telling you that's not a way of showing you gratitude after the way you treated me last night, I went to get us some coffee and breakfast, also stopped by the house to get cleaned, change my clothes, I didn't want to wake you up, plus I can't cook even if my life depends on it, so I would never attempt to get in the kitchen, with my luck I might just burn the place down.
She smiled at how cute he was.
-" well thanks so much then, let's eat then.
-" well, let's eat.
They sat in the kitchen to enjoy the food that Namjoon had gotten for them.
-" y/n by any chance, do you have any plans today?"
-" no I don't, why?"
-" the boys and I are going to hangout in a while, I was wondering if you would like....
-" yes, yes I'd love to!
He smiled at how cute she was.
-" great, let's finish so we can go then.
-" where to Joonie?"
-" Hobi's house.
She smiled way too hard.
After they finished breakfast they bundle up since it how gotten colder during the night, they began to walk to Hobi's house which it was a few blocks away from their house.
-" it's so cold Joonie...
-" I know, I'm sorry do you want my puffer?"
-" no Joonie, you will be cold then, I'll be fine.
By the time she finished her sentence he had done taking off his puffer putting it on her.
-" hard headed boy I told you not to.
He smiled at her, his smile melted her into a puddle, making her heart skip a beat at the same time that she felt goosebumps.
-" sorry, did you say something?"
-" yah!!
She slapped his arm.
-" hey, why the violence ain't you supposed to be my friend?"
-" yeah, but that doesn't mean that I can't hit you.
She giggled while he just shrugged his shoulders.

-" come on.
He pulled her under his arm while resumed their walking until they made it to Hoseok's house.
They knocked the door and a bright sunshine opened.
-" Namjoonssi, y/n, you made it, come in.
-" the boys still sleep, but we can talk while they wake up.
-" hello sunshine!
Y/n said hugging him.
-" hello Hoba.
Namjoon shook his hand.
They walked thru the door towards the kitchen.
-" are you hungry?"
-" no thanks, we just ate Namjoon bought breakfast for us.
-" really?"
-" yes, he is a great friend.
She said with a big smile, he wanted to bury his head under the ground.
-" that I know, Namjoon is a great friend, we have been knowing each other for many years, he always puts us first.
-" awww, ain't you the cutest.
-" my hyeong is the coolest.
A groggy Jungkook said as he walked into the kitchen.
-" aish, stop that you 2, I'm just me.
-" that's the best part of it Mr.
He couldn't even look at her, he felt his body heat up while his face turning red.
-" look at his tall self blushing.
Yoongi appeared behind Jungkook.
-" please just stop...
He buried his head in his hoodie.
-" yah, yah let's stop before he explodes.
Hobi said walking to the stove.
-" coffee anyone.
-" yes please.
Everyone said at the same time, making them began to laugh.
-" I'll help you Hobi.
Y/n walked up to him.
-" ok here is the coffee, there is the coffee maker, mugs in this drawer while you work on that, I'll start some breakfast.
-" I got you Hobi.
Jin stepped up going to the refrigerator taking ingredients out to start cooking breakfast.
-" y/n, you are here.:.
Jimin and Tae walked into the kitchen wrapping themselves onto y/n.
-" I'm glad to see you too boys.
After breakfast was done, the boys sat down to eat.
-" what's the plan for today?"
Taehyung spoke as he was stuffing his mouth with bacon.
-" I don't know.
Yoongi spoke up taking a sip of his coffee.
-" damn y/n, this is some good coffee!
-" Thanks Yoongi, glad you like it.

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