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After they made it home, she went in her room to freshen up, Namjoon told her that him and the boys would wait outside of the apartment while she changed but she threaten him with a beating.
After a while she came out the elder boys knocked the door, she opened let them inside, walked back sat on Namjoon's lap.
His face changed turn every shade of red existing in the color palette.
-" we are back.
Hoseok said.
-" we can see you hyung, come on with the drinks.
-" how about I ban you from drinking golden maknae? since you ain't got no manners I'll show you sassy
Jin said moving the bag away from his reach.
-" I'm sorry hyeong.
They unloaded the bags, Namjoon was still frozen, he knew that there wasn't way for him to talk without his voice betraying but it seemed that no one had realized what was going on.
-" we need cups.
Miraculously Yoongi spoke up.
-" could we have some cups little one?
He looked at her.
-" sure, I'll be right back.
She stood up from Namjoon's lap going to the kitchen, he got up running to the bathroom, Seokjin was the only one who noticed Namjoon leaving from the living room.
-" I'll be right back boys.
Seokjin said following Namjoon, he knock the bathroom door.
-" is busy, I'll be right out.
-" Namjoonah it's me Seokjin, open up.
-" oh thank God!"
He mumbled as he opened the door.
-" what's the matter, are you feeling sick?"
-" no come in please.
He pulled him inside the restroom.
-" Namjoon why you are sweating so profusely, are you sure that you are ok?
-" hyung, I'm going insane.
-" you like her, don't you?"
He shot up his eyes at the older man.
-" how do know hyung?"
-" I can see it, shit we all can see it, you two are the only ones clueless.
-" what do you mean hyung?"
-" come on Namjoon you have an iq of 148, you are not dumb, she likes you too, unfortunately you two are afraid of admitting it, look at you right now, hyperventilating, what happened?"
-" she sat on my lap hyung, thank goodness that Yoongi hyung asked her for cups otherwise I was going to be kicked out of her house.
-" why Namjoon?"
-" hyung look!"
He pointed at his crotch.
-" ok Namjoon is not the end of the world, you are a male, she is a very attractive young woman, all this it's normal.
-" I know that hyung, I don't want to scare her.
-" Namjoon, think about what I'm about to tell you, after this is up to you, find the strength to tell her how you feel, or it might be too late, you know we are about to graduate, you don't know if you will see her again after we graduate, I hope you do but with what we are working to do it might be hard.
-" I know hyung but in a coward, everytime that she is close to me, I freeze my mouth forgets how to speak and my brain forgets how to think, she makes me go crazy, that's the only way I can describe it.
-" aigoo, my boy is in love.
He smiled at Namjoon, then there was a knock on the door.
-" are you ok in there Jin hyung, Namjoon, why are you together in the restroom?
-" I'm just checking on him, I'll be right out.
Jin said opening the door coming out.
-" is he ok?"
-" yeah, he'll be right out.
Jin and Yoongi walked back to the living room.
-" is Joonie ok?"
Y/n ask with concern.
-" yeah, he'll be right out.
Yoongi followed Jin's words, but he knew what was going on.
After a while Namjoon came out of the restroom, y/n saw him quickly getting close to him.
-" Joonie, what's the matter?"
She said touching his forehead to the check if he was hot or getting sick.
-" I'm ok y/n thanks, I need a beer.
-" I got you hyung.
Jungkook handed him a beer.
Namjoon drank the beer in one zip, everyone just stared a him including y/n.
-" please give me another one.
After a few beers Namjoon loosened up a little he thought it was funny play games with the others.
-" I'm going to my apartment to get some pajamas, I'll be right back.
He went to his place to grab clothes and toiletries.
When he came back he knocked the door quickly running to hide.
When she opened the door there was no one.
-" what the heck?, I thought I heard the door.
She went back inside then he knocked again running up the stairs.
-" what the heck?"
She walked to the door opening it once again but no one was there.
-" are you guys hearing someone knocking on the door, or am I going crazy?"
-" someone knocked, it might be Namjoon playing games.
Yoongi said.
-" wait then let's catch him.
Hoseok said.
-" how?"
-" go and wait until he rings again, after you open the door go to the first floor and hide then I'll close the door.
Hoseok said.
-" ok let's do it.
There was the knock on the door again, so she opened it, Hoseok followed, she ran downstairs quickly, Hoseok closed the door, she waited hearing the steps coming from the 3rd floor.
When he made it in front of the door, she jumped on his back.
-" gotcha string bean.
She said giggling, he was typsy so he began to giggle with her.
-" you got him, huh?"
Hoseok began to laugh all the boys right with him.
-" come on get down my little koala.
-" naughty boy, trying to play tricks on me, huh?"
They played games until 2am, y/n got up taking a look at the boys, most of them passed out, only Namjoon and Hoseok remained awake.
-" I'm going to bed boys I have work in a few hours.
-" really, awww!
Hobi said with sadness in his face.
-" well if I don't work I can't pay rent therefore I won't have a place to stay...
-" ok y/n, good night.
Namjoon said as she walked to her room.
They ended up passing out too, they were tired and typsy.
In the morning Namjoon woke up before anyone else, he had in mind accompanying y/n to work.
So he sneaked out of the house, he went home to get wash put some clean clothes on, there was no way he could do that at her place since she was getting ready.
Y/n opened her eyes turning off the alarm clock, she walked to the bathroom to take a shower getting dressed right after.
After she finished she went out of the room to find the warmest and gentle scene, all of them were still sleeping, they were so cute.
She decided to get coffee outside so the noise wouldn't wake them up.
She noticed that Namjoon wasn't there.

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