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-" yes lanky, I'm listening.
-" me and you are going to see each other again very soon, so don't be sad, can you promise me that?"
-" yes I can Joonie, but can you promise me that you'll come back to me safe, sound and healthy?
-" of course love.
She smiled hard just thinking about seeing him again and telling him in person how much she loves him.
-" well, hwaiting!
-" it's boarding time, I will try to stay in contact as much as I darling, take care of yourself.
-" you too Joonie.
Those were  the last words that they said to each other before they hung up the phone.
It hit y/n hard, he was gone but when she realized that there could be a second chance, that chance she prayed for would come to her door.
-" oh my God, I'm going to Japan, I have to move and to pack up.
She heard her phone got off so she looked again it was an email from Mr. Wang it had the info that she needed for her flight tomorrow, the email included the info of her plane ticket to Japan in the morning, the address of the place that she needed to go as soon as she landed in Japan.
-" I have to pack up Lord, is this really real or am I just dreaming?"
She got up quickly walked to her room, pulling her suitcase out then looked for her backpack, she smiled to herself thinking about the last time that she had Namjoon to bring it down for her, he had pulled so hard to get it down so he ended up losing his balance causing him to fall on top of her.
His face turned red like tomato, he wouldn't stop apologizing to her.
She smiled just thinking about the great moments that they had lived  together since they met, but she was finally grateful that they weren't going to deal with Kangin and his bullies anymore.
She sat down on the bed with all the memories flashing thru her mind, all the time wasted between them, never having the courage to tell each other anything about their feelings.
-" stupid, he had been right here with you all this time, neither of you had the guts to talk, now who knows when are we going to see each other.
She shook the thoughts out her head getting up again to start packing up, it wasn't the time to be reminiscing about the time that she wasted around Namjoon without telling him about his feelings.
When she finished, she took a look around her apartment thinking about if she would comeback or would she be in Japan permanently.
-" that's mostly a possibility, I should call my Landlady to tell her that I'm leaving, this came out perfect, but in the other hand it won't be a good idea because just in case I have to comeback then I won't have a place to go, I really don't want to give my parents trouble having to move with them again. I'll just wait and deal with it when I have more certainty, I have enough saved up to be able to pay rent for a few months and take care of myself while there in Japan.

She laid down still thinking about a lot of stuff at the same time, she dozed of for a minute, but the excitement didn't allow her to sleep much, when the alarm clock rang she quickly jumped out of the bed making her way to the bathroom.
After getting ready she brought her luggage to the living room walking to the kitchen to make some coffee.
-" well this is it, I hope this is the beginning of a new good life, hopefully I get to make it like a fashion stylist.
She smiled to herself.
-"  why shouldn't I? Namjoon is gone to do what he likes to do so I'm going to do the same thing that way I can put my name out there, I have study too hard so now is time to show people what nerds like they call us can do.
She thought about him again, he was constantly on her mind, she was just beginning to realize how much she loves him but specially how much he meant to her.
He was always so thoughtful, a gentleman always putting her before himself even.
She got back to reality realizing the time jumping out of the chair, cleaned her cup also the coffee maker making her way out of the kitchen.
-" well y/n, here we go, is time to follow and pursue your dreams.

Namjoon, the boys made it to L.A. and they were on the way to their hotel.
-" hyung, have you talk to y/n?"
Jimin asked from the back of the van.
-" yes I did briefly yesterday, she called me.
-" really?
-" is she ok?"
Jungkook asked with concern.
-" yes she is fine, she should be on her way to Japan as we speak.
-" Japan, why?'
Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows.
-" well I was helping her to decide which way was better for her to go after graduation, so I helped her throwing some resumes out there to get a job, one of the resumes I send out it was to my friend Jackson Wang, he is the owner and a designer for Wang's clothing company, yesterday after we left she called me telling me that he called her to come to Japan for a 2 week trial run in his company.
-" woah, that's amazing!
Hoseok got super excited.
-' I told her that the job was hers, I know what she is capable of doing with that mind of hers, so Jackson is going to love her.
They notice Namjoon's facial expression changing.
-" what's the matter Namjoonah?"
-" hyung, I'm just mad, disappointed at myself that's all.
-" why?"
They all asked at the same time.
-" I wasted every single chance that I had to tell her about my feelings so now I don't know if I'm going to have the chance again, look at where we are and look at where she is going to be.
-"aigoo, don't fret Namjoonah, you will have the chance to see her again but most importantly to tell her how you feel.
Hoseok told him patting his shoulders.
-" I sure hope so Hobi.
-" I spoke a few words with her before we left, I might have told her a little something.
Yoongi said with a smirk on his face.
-" what do you mean hyung?"
-" well I was the last one to tell her goodbye, she asked me to make sure you stay healthy also to look out for you, and she told me that she loves you...
-" what else hyung?"
-" well I told her that you love her too as I walked away.
-" she already knows I love her.
-" yeah but not that kind of love, I'm pretty sure she knows what I was implying, y/n is not stupid you know this.
-" aish, hyung all this time wasted between us.
-" is ok you will get another chance, but when you do you can't waste it or will kill you.
Jin said raising his hand balled up in a fist.
-" I promise I won't.
-" aren't we going to Japan at some point before we go home?"
-" that's what the manager said, but he said it was a possibility, nothing sure.

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