Chapter 7.

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I heard the door burst open and I immediately jolted awake. Still being held in Finns calm embrace

"FINNY BOI YOU HAVE TO TELL US EVERYTHING" Jack screamed as he walked in the room. "Yeah and spare no detail we know how much you like h-" Gaten said. Stopping immediately once he'd seen us lying in bed.

Finn was still pretty much asleep but he moved a bit to make it more comfortable for both of us.

"What're you guys even doing here" he said calmly. His morning voice so raspy it was almost unrecognizable.

"Well we wanted to see how your little da-I mean movie thing went, but we'll come back later" Jack said defiantly bouncing out of the room with Gaten close behind

"For such a small boy that kid has such a loud voice" I said once the door was closed. "that's true" Finn responded, giggling a bit.

"Jade?" He said. His previously jovial tone now far more serious. "What actually happened to your eye?"


"Nothing I just... I'm fine" I said. Not quite as good at playing it off as I usually was.
"Jade. Who did this to you? I need to know that you're safe. I... I care about you"
"I know and I'm fine Finn I promise." I knew that was a promise I couldn't keep. But it was going to have to do for now.

I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I 
had fallen asleep in jeans and my nirvana shirt which just made my black eye look even more worrying. Especially when coupled with the lack of consistent sleep and general paleness "Hey Finn?" I called from the other room.
"Can I Borrow a hoodie or a shirt or something?"
"Yeah of course!" He said excitedly as he got out of bed to open his closet.
"Here, take this" He said tossing me a Thrasher hoodie. "Awesome thank you so much"

After I'd put it on I retrieved my glasses and put them back on. Just in time conveniently as Sophia walked in the door.

"Jaaaaaaaade" Sophia said walking into the room with her eyes closed "is everybody decent!?"
"Jesus Soph. Yes we're decent"

"omg you look so cute in his clothes" she said once she noticed I was wearing his sweater.

"Aaaaaanyways. Jack and Gaten told us you guys were all cuddling and that Jade was here so I wanted to come ask you something..."

"What's up?" I said not in the mood to deal with irrelevance.

"I was wondering if you'd take us somewhere cool today? We're all excited to see this place!"
"Yeah of course. Keen for the Aquarium?" I asked knowing the answer already.

After Sophia agreed she ran to tell the others the plan.

Finn was staring intently at his phone behind me. A mix of emotions on his face.
"What's up?" I asked, growing more concerned.

"Yes Finn?"
"You and your band have just got signed to a record label. In Canada."
"WHAT!? THATS FUCKING INSANE HOLY SHIT!" I said hugging him tight.
"They're offering to pay to set you up in an apartment in Vancouver and start you recording within the next month and a half"
"That sounds fucking awesome! I have to call the guys! Finn thank you so much!"
"Where you thanking me?" He asked naively
"Without you we wouldn't have half as much attention. Guaranteed."

While I called the band to tell them the news Finn continued looking at something else on his phone that seemed to upset him but before I could ask it was gone.

"I'm so fucking happy. Finn this is the best day of my life!" I said moving to hug him. "You deserve it" He said whispering into my ear. "You're amazing and talented and deserve more than the world." I blushed and pulled out of the hug to look him dead in the eye.
Fuck it, I thought as he leaned in to kiss me...
All of a sudden the door burst open again and we jumped apart.

"We got a record deal!!" I said now yelling to the Gang. They all cheered and excitedly looked on to the future.

Except for Finn...

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