Chapter 11

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Once we'd arrived in Vancouver, with the addition of our bass player Zack, the excitement of the weeks to come finally hit us.

We were going to be recording our first album. At the same studio as my favorite bands. And I could even see Finn again. As long as I was away from home I was sure things would go great.

After checking into the hotel we'd be staying at for the coming weeks, we decided to go out for a bite to eat as a band.

We'd developed a tradition of having bagels at Band Practice or sometimes even waffles at the place next door, so this was how we gained familiarity with new places.

"Dude this place is SICK!" Zack said excitedly. "I know right!? How fucking beautiful can Canada get!?" Jason responded happily. I'd never been outside of Toronto before so I was overjoyed with this opportunity.

We settled on eating at a diner just opposite the hotel called "the Nighthawk Diner" it was all themed in dark blue and white and had a distinct 50's/60's vibe.

"Hey guys Finn keeps calling can I invite him to lunch?" I said checking the million voicemails I'd received from him. "Yeah of course dude. That guy is rad" Alex said assuaging my anxiety.

I hadn't realized just how much I'd missed Finn until I saw him walk through the Diner's doors. His face immediately lit up when he saw me and he wrapped me in a tight embrace. "I've missed you so much" He said, whispering into my ear.

He explained to us what the itinerary of the next few weeks would be like. "Okay so Today's Wednesday so tomorrow you guys can chill, Friday night is the gig, Saturday and Sunday is chill. Then Monday to Friday we're in the studio, possibly Saturday for touch ups and you leave the next Monday. Cool?"

"Sounds great!" I said excitedly as I held Finns hand under the table.

"Speaking of Saturday babe, I know it's fast but I was wondering whether you'd want to come spend the day at my family's house with me? We're doing a barbecue and I already bought vegetarian stuff for you so you kinda have to say yes" he giggled cutely and I fell once again into those beautiful and intense brown eyes. "I'd love to! Boys are you fine just finding something to do Saturday without me?" "Yeah cool," Alex said, "as long as you bring us food from the barbecue" they laughed but I knew he was completely serious.

This was the life.

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