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Seulgi's POV
Jennie! Nayeon! Come down".I heard mother call unnies when I was doing homework.Mother sounded excited.When she is not? Well she sounded super excited so I got curious what was happening.

I put my ear against the door so I could hear what they were talking about.

"A party? I have never been to one.They all are going to wear masks so nobody will know if I went right? I will come back earlier than unnies and mom.Thats such a nice idea.You are a genius Kang Seulgi".

Seulgi has never been to outside except school or house.Sometimes her sister would take her to work because they needed a extra hand.Her step-mother faked Seulgi's death so she won't be in the spotlight.

Only some people know that she is alive.If someone sees her accidently they would say she works at their house.

"I have to get a dress but how?".I thought and resumed doing my homework.
[POV end]
Jimin came out after taking a shower when he heard a knock on his door and it opened."Jimin are you busy?I need to talk to you about something".Mrs Park sat down on the couch.

"Sure mom.What is it?".Said Jimin while drying his hair.
"Promise me you will listen to me till the end and won't get mad at me".Jimin stopped and sat on the couch opposite to his mother.

"Another reason for me holding a party was to look for a girl fo-"."Mom stop!I told you I am not interested in such thing.I don't wanna get married to some random girl I don't even know".Jimin was getting angry.

His mother always pressure him on marrying.He refused her many times but she still protests.It is a big decision of his life and he doesn't want to rush it.He wants find someone of his choice not someone his mother chooses for him.

"Honey listen! I know you said that you want to choose on your own but when?When are you going to choose?".Mrs Park wanted have a wife if he was going to be a CEO.

"Mom I told you give me some time okay?".
"Fine I'll give you a months thats it! If you can't find anyone you will have to marry someone of my choice".His mother got up to leave.

"A month? Thats too short!".Jimin protested."Yes a month and thats that.".she held the knob of the door and turned around."But this party is still going to be held and I will still look for my future daughter in-law just incase.".she left.

Jimin sighed and brushed back his hair."What am I going to do?".

"Wendy I need your help!".Seulgi clung on her only bestfriend Wendy's arm as they were walking down the school hallway.

"Wow you never look this desperate what is it?".Wendy chuckled at her behaviour.

"My mother and sisters have been invited to a party.The theme is masquerade so we will be wearing masks.I am thinking of sneeking in the party but I don't have a dress nor can I go to buy one".

"So you want me to buy one for you?".
"Yes".Seulgi was sure Wendy was her only hope and she know she never rejects any of her requests.

"Alright but you owe me one".Said wendy."Thank you so much!.Seulgi squeeled and hugged Wendy.

"But the dress color should match the shoes I have".Suddenly Seulgi's expression saddened.Wendy noticed her change of expression and patted her back."Don't worry.I'll buy it as soon as possible".Seulgi nodded.

"Now smile it suits you better".Wendy hugged her.They both laughed and went to class.
"Mr.Park you should take a day off.You don't look that well".
"I am fine its just a headache.I just need a coffee".His secretary bowed and went away.

Jimin has been stressed lately because of work.His dad would always hand him the difficult matter to deal with.He says it would prepare him.He would even reject to help him and says"I am counting you son.Don't make dissapointed".He feels so pressured just by these words.

Now his mom gave him more problems to be stressed about."How am I suppose to find someone in one month? When I have no interest in this stuff what so ever".Jimin rested his head on the chair and sighed.
Oh my god! Wendy its so pretty".Seulgi jumped up and down.She was so happy.She never imagined she would wear a beautiful dress like this one.It was a red long shoulderless dress with silver design.

"I am glad you liked it.But be careful.Don't get caught".Wendy was worried."I'll be fine".
The bell rang."Okay I'll be going now.Today is the party so I have to get ready".

"Are sure you won't my help with the makeup?".asked Wendy."No its ok".Seulgi hugged Wendy and went away with a huge smile on her face.

Seulgi slowly made her way inside the house so she could go to her room unnoticed.She was afraid her mother might find the dress she was hiding in her bag.

She never does look into her bag but its Seulgi's first time doing something like this so yeah!.

She was slowly making her way upstairs when "Seulgi you are back".She heard a voice from behind.Seulgi slowly turned around and stood frozed with a shocked expression.

"What the hell is wrong with you?You look like you saw a ghost or something.".Nayeon said."N..No its just that you startled me".Seulgi stuttured.

"Whatever.I came to say that Jennie accidently broke a glass downstairs so go clean it up".Nayeon left.
Seulgi sighed in relief and ran to her room.

She came back after changing her clothes.Her mother and sisters were leaving."Seulgi clean the dishes and I think I have some laundry".her mother said."mine too"Jennie said and they all left.

She was picking up the glass when she accidently cut her right forefinger."Ouch!"She winced in pain.She quickly picked up the rest and put a bandage round her finger.

She did all they chores and ran to get ready for the party.She decided to go a little late so she won't run in to her mother or sisters.

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