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"Mom!Where is my Pink dress that I wore to aunt Yuri's Wedding?".Nayeon shouted."Lower your voice besides how would I know.Ask your sister".Mrs.Kang shouted from her bedroom.

"I did!".She mumbled."Seriously Nayeon you are not a child why do you keep losing your things?"."I remember seeing it in my closet"."Why dont you check Seulgi's room?".Jennie came from the Kitchen holding a bowl of icecream.

"Yeah.She was alone in the house for the past weeks".Nayeon nodded to herself and went to Seulgi's room."My eyes landed on the dress first but mom said no Nayoen unnie has to look more pretty to attract attention.It isnt called stealing when you take what is yours".Jennie scoffed.

Nayeon looked everywhere and messed her room in the process.She notoced a large chest under the bed."Whats that?".She pulled it out.She looked at it weirdly since it was worn out."What if she steals things and put it here?".She opened the box and rummaged through it.She didnt find her dress but another thing intrigued her interest.It was the only thing looking clean.

"What is this?".She took out the shoe box.She opened it and stared at the shoe lying there."Where is the other one?Wait!This looks familiar".She recalled her memories as to where she has seen the shoe before.

"Ofcourse!Its the one Mrs.Park brought asking for the one who wore it.But how-".She gasped."Mom!Mom! Come look!".Nayeon shouted.

"What is it?'.Mrs.Kang came out wearing a face mud mask."Mom look".She placed the red shoe down.Mrs.Kang looked at it."What about it?".She asked."Mom this is the one Mrs.Kang brought.She said someone wore it during the party but left it.Remember?".said Nayeon.

"So?They must have forgotten it here and you found it.Big Deal".Jennie said sarcasticlly."No!I found it in Seulgi's room".Mrs.Kang creased her forehead."How did it end up there?Are you saying she stole it?".Mrs.Kang clenched her fists."No its the other shoe they were looking for".Nayeon explained.

"What is your point?".Mrs.Kang asked confused."Seriously?My point is that Seulgi was the one who went to the party.She danced with Park Jimin and left her shoe".Nayeon sighed and plopped on the sofa."So that explains how they met but why would he look for her when he knew who she was?".Jennie was scratching her head,trying to put it together.

"How dare she!".Mrs.Kang slammed the table."I give her food,give her a roof to hide her hideous existence and this is what she repays me with?".She shook her head in disbelieve."I told you not to send her as a maid but No,one listens to me.She must be lurking around him 24/7".said Nayeon.

"You are right.I made a big mistake.I will make her beg on her knees.Just wait and watch Honey,I will make her know her place".
The door opened and Seulgi immediately let go of Jimin's hand."Mrs.Park" She bowed.Mrs.Park didnt say a word and approached the bed."Jimin".She hugged him carefully."Idiot.I always told you to drive safely".She began sobbing.After she calmed down,she wiped her tears and cleared her throat.

"I was worried sick but I am glad that he was in good hands".Mrs.Kang gave Seulgi a look.Seulgi stood dumb-founded."I will be leaving".Seulgi bowed and turned to the door but Mrs.Park stopped her."No you should stay.I have to go home,Sooyoung must be arriving from school.I will come visit with her.".

Seulgi stayed silent not believing what she heard.She is leaving her son with a maid that she knows for only a week?"If that is okay with you...".Mrs.Park looked at her waiting for her reply."Y..yes its okay".Seulgi assured.

"Thank you my dear".She hugged Seulgi.."I'll visit later".She waved and left.

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