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Seulgi checked the lock thrice before leaving for school.Mrs.Kang was against hiring a security guard because she didnt trust them actually she doesnt trust anyone.She knows Seulgi too well that she wont do anything stupid.

She arrived on time for the first time.She also had done all her homework."Seulgi what a surprise".Her classmate Krystal said mockingly.The whole class started to laugh..Everybody loves to tease Seulgi because they know what kind of a girl she is.She doesnt know how to talk back.

Ignoring everyones laughter she quitely made her way to her seat.They all became quiet when the teacher entered."Okay class we will start our next chapter so take out your noteb-Miss Seulgi you arrived on time?".The teacher himself was surprised.

The class burst out in laughter again."Class!It is nothing to laugh at".Seulgi felt tears forming but she held them back.
Fast forward

Seulgi made her way out of as the last bell rang.She felt cold air slap her face.She wrapped her arms around herself.

Seulgi forgot to bring her sweater.She stopped in her tracks when she saw someone familiar leaning on his car door while waiting for someone.

"Jimin oppa?Why is he here?".thought Seulgi."right right he comes to pick up his sister".He suddenly caught her looking.She looked away blushing.She started walking in the opposite direction.

She felt a grasp on her wrist which made her stop and turn around."Gosh!Why do you keep running away I that scary?".Jimin said.Seulgi slowly shook her head

"No?Then am I too handsome that you cant handle it?"Jimin smirked.Seulgi kept staring the ground.

"I heard a new ice cream shop opened near here.Wanna go?"."N..O".Seulgi refused but deep inside she wanted to go because it has been ages the last time she ate ice cream.Her mother wont ler her eat anything except vegetables.

"I dont take NO for an answer.So we are going.Hope you are comfortable in your uniform".Jimin held Seulgi's hand and started walking.Seulgi looked at Jimin who was walking infront of her.A smile came across her face but it felt weird.

"I can walk by myself"Seulgi pulled her hand out of his".Jimin sighed."Fine follow me".Jimin led the while Seulgi followed him.Jimin always had a thing for walking so he didnt take the car plus it wasn't that far.

Seulgi was totally exhausted.She had been running up and down in the school building due to the preparation of the upcoming school festival.People might not like her but they can't deny the talent of art she possesses.Crafting,drawing,painting you name it.She knew all.

Plus She barely ate anything for the past 4 days due to work in school and home.Her body was growing weak day by day.
Her walking became wobbly and became hard to walk.She felt like she would faint any minute.

She was gonna pass out but as a reflex she held on to Jimin.He turned around starled by her action.When he saw her face he knew something was wrong.

He held her  and carefully made her sit down."Whats wrong?Are you okay?".Jimin asked concerned."Its nothing".Seulgi felt pathetic."Are you sick?"Jimin touched her forhead but she didnt have a fever.

"No I am fine".Seulgi tried to get up but Jimin held her back."No you are not okay!Why do you keep lying?"Jimin raised his voice as he was getting angry.

Seulgi got scared of his sudden change."I am just tired and hungry".She said the last part in a whisper but was loud enough for Jimin to hear.She bit her lower lip to prevent her from crying.

"Why didnt you say earlier?We could have taken the car".Jimin sighed."I am sorry".Seulgi sniffed."Its nothing to apologize about.Come on".He held her hand and lifted her.Holding her firmly he led her to burger shop that was just across the road.

"What do you wanna eat?"He passed the menu to her.Seulgi shyly grabbed it.He noticed her dragging her finger across the menu to look for the cheapest one.It irritated him.

"Ah! Forget it".Jimin snatched the menu from Seulgi.He gestured the waiter to come."Two large Chicken burger with colas".The waiter noted it down and went away.

The atmosphere became awkard and silent as they waited for their order to arrive.Jimin used this time to look at her.

She had dark circles under her eyes which increased from last time they met.She was too much thin for her age.He then noticed the almost faded bruise on her cheek.

"Does your mother abuse you physically?"Jimin finally asked what he had been wanting to ask.This question caught Seulgi offguard.She looked at him surprised but then remembered her stupidness when she accidently spilled it.

"Why?What do you do?".said Jimin."Mistakes.Well she is a mother she has the right to I guess".No she has no right to beat her like this but Seulgi didnt want to go further in this topic."But-"."Sir here is your order".The waiter placed their order on the table.

"Here"Jimin pushed her's towards her.As Seulgi ate Jimin stares at her."She doesnt deserve this"."Is something wrong?".Seulgi asked as she saw him looking at her.Jimin shook his head.

They enjoyed eating and jimin drove her home."Is someone home?"Jimin asked since he saw all the lights inside turned off."No,mother and unnies went to Italy.Jimin mouthed O and nodded.

"Thank you for today". Seulgi said playing with her fingers standing infront of her front door"."Dont forget to eat next time.Okay?"Jimin asked

Seulgi nodded and quickly went inside.She shut the door and leaned against it .Jimin smiled and went to the car.Seulgi placed her hand on her heart"What is this feeling?".

(Guys I would love it if you comment to let me know how you like my story.Please dont be silent readers)

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