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"Jimin-ssi dont".Said Seulgi between her sobs."Why are you doing this to me?Huh?".Jimin shook her harshly by her arm."J..just put the glass down...Please".She begged.Jimin stared at her for a while then threw the glass across the room.

Seulgi fliched due to the sound.Jimin took a deep breath as he brushed his hair back.He glanced at her and went upstairs to his room.She stood frozen processing what just happened.She was already not feeling good and now she even feels worse.

She picked the pieces and to her room.
"Jimin the breakfast is ready!Come down!".Mrs.Park shouted as she sat in one of the chair.Minute later Jimin was seen coming down the stairs."Morning".He said."Morning".His parents replied.

Seulgi arrived from kitchen carrying a jug of water.She placed it on the table."Jimin where is the letter you received from Mr.Kim?".His father asked."Oh!I forgot I left it in my jacket".Jimin was about to get up but was stopped by his mom."Jimin sit and eat.Seulgi will go get it".Seulgi looked surprised."Tell her where it is".Jimin looked at his mother then sighed.

He knew how his mother hates it when someone leaves in the middle of his food."Its in the pocket of my blue jacket which is in my wardrobe.Middle section".said Jimin not looking at her..Seulgi nodded.

Seulgi reached his door and opened it.She has been here many times but still cant get over her fear which increased last night.She didnt struggle finding the wardrobe.She quickly went closer.She opened the middle section and saw many jackets hanging.She noticed the blue one which she remembered seeing him wearing it yesterday.

She searched its pocket and found the letter very easily.She can leave now.She sighed in relief and was about to close the door but stopped when she noticed something very familiar.
"My shoe".

Many thoughts started to run in her head.What is it doing here?I remembers leaving at the party.How did it end up in Jimin's wardrobe?Was Jimin also at the party?I left it when I danced with that guy.Now that I think about it that guy and Jimin do looks similiar in many ways.Could it be?..."

Seulgi gasped when realization hit her.She heard someone coming up the stairs.She quickly closed the door and went outside."Oh!Sooyoung-ssi you scared me".Sooyoung didnt reply and passed her while slightly hitting her with her shoulder.Seulgi stood confused at the sudden change in behaviour.

She shrugged it off and went downstairs."Here".she handed it  to Mr.Park."Thank you".It was only Mr and Mrs Park were at the table because other have left to get ready.
She went to her room and lied on the bed.

"So it was Jimin".A smile appeared on Seulgi's face.She hugged her pillow and rested her head against it.She was lost in her thoughts and didnt notice when someone entered her room."What are you smiling about?".

She got starled and looked up. She turned red as a tomato despite the cold stare Jimin was giving.He noticed her blushing."Did she blush because of me?".He cleared his throat."Mom is calling you".He said and left.

She wished she could tell Jimin how she felt.....

(Sorry its so short)

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