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Seulgi woke up by the sound of alarm.She made breakfast for Jennie and then got ready for school like she always do.She stared at herself in the mirror."I can do this.Its best for the both of us".She took a deep breath.

She grabbed her bag and went downstairs.She held the door knob"Dont forget what I taught you okay?".She heard Jennie behind her.She nodded not looking at her and left.

In almost every class she was scolded by the teacher for spacing out."Why is this happening to me?What did I do to deserve this?".She didnt want to do what Jennie told her but does she has a choice?No.

The last bell rang and Seulgi felt her sank.She knew Jimin would be waiting for her outside.He always did.She ignored all the calls he made last night so he would definetely come.

As she made her way outside it became hard for her to walk.She opened the door and stood there frozen.She just couldnt bring herself to go."Hurry up grandma!".She realised that she was in the way.

She stepped down the stairs and her eyes landed on the figure she wished it wasn't.He was looking through the crowd probably searching for someone...definetely her.

She quickly started walking opposote before he could notice her.If he doesnt see me,Ill tell Unnie he didnt come.It will work right?"."Seulgi!"She heard him call her but she ignored him.

Her steps became fast and eventually started running."Yah whats wrong?Stop running!".Jimin shouted.She kept running in hopes of getting away.

She suddenly tripped,got up fast but a hand held her wrist and turned her around"Are you deaf!".Said Jimin.Seulgi gulped.
Jimin is seriously scary when he gets angry and he was right now.
"I called you multiple times and I know you heard me.Why were you running?".

"I didnt even say anything and he is this angry what will happen when I do?".But she came prepared.She decided to face the consequences.How mad can he get right?

"So what?!".She pulled her wrist out of his grip."What?I asked you to answer me".Jimin held her wrist again."Listen I am sorry but I am done with you".She said while trying her best not to cry.

His facial expression changed into a shock one."What do you mean?".He asked."I mean what it sounds like.".She tears forming but she held them back.

"I h..had fun playing with Jim-you! okay? B..but it got boring so I am done".She scoffed.Jimin looked at her not believing her.He could easily tell that she came prepared what to say.

"Why are you doing this?".He asked."I just tol y-".Jimin cut her off"No!I know you are lying.why?".She stared at him blank.She was loss at words."I am not".She bit her lower lip.

"Please.Just leave me alone".She pushed her hand off from her wrist."What happened?".Jimin asked."Cant you see?Us-We cant be".Seulgi now spoke from her heart not what Jennie told her.

She is not worth him.He is Park Jimin the Son of a rich CEO and she well..she was nobody.With this thought she finally build up the courage.

"Why cant we?What is wrong with me?".Jimin spoke with sadness in his voice.Seulgi's eyes filled with tears.She kept looking down."Its not you,Its me.I am not worth for you.You deserve better".

"Who are you to tell me who is worth me and who is not?Huh?I get to decide who I want and its You".Seulgi was taken aback by his words.She didnt know he felt that deep.

She looked up and tears started falling down her cheeks."I am sorry.I cant"
Seulgi turned around to leave but Jimin back hugged her."Dont leave me.Please.".

She got flustered at his actions but she knew this isnt right."The moment I met you I knew you were the one for me.There is no one worth for me other than you".He put his nose to her hair to smell it."I Love You".He whispered.

She felt her heart shatter into many pieces.She knew she felt the same way but..She harshily pushed him away."But I dont love you!.I never did!".She shouted as tears fell down.

"D..dont say th-".Jimin was also on the verge of crying."I am saying whats the truth".Seulgi turned around to leave but he grabbed her arm.

Seulgi now got really irritated by his actions."Why is he so stubborn".Let go!".Seulgi shouted but Jimin shook his head.She had to do it.There is no other choice.If he keeps acting this way it go on whole day.

So she did it what had to he done.She slapped him.His face tilted right.She didnt hit hard,she couldnt but it caught Jimin off guard.

He froze.Still processing what just happened.Seulgi on the other hand was raining with tears and her hand started shaking the one she hit him with."I am sorry".She said and ran away.

Jimin slowly looked to see her running away until she was out of sight.He felt a mixture of sadness and anger."Seulgi.......why?".

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