"Please Yoonchae... give me another chance if you trust me... Please I just did that for your safety..." Taehyung cried out. "Safety my ass. You've just broke my heart. Am I still safe?!" I shouted. Taehyung just kneeled down while crying. "Yoonchae...
While we finishing our drinks, my phone rang. I saw the caller ID and saw Namjoon.
I rolled my eyes. "Guys, I will just answer this call." Then the Mins nodded.
"Who is the caller?" Hoseok asked. I gave him my phone and Yoonchae looked also.
I was surprised when he answered the call and he tapped the loud speaker. Yoongi just raised an eyebrow.
Hoseok placed the phone on the table. Then we all leaned to hear them since we can't hear his voice because of the noise here.
"Hyung, whereareyouandtheothermembers? Areyouatthehomealready?" Namjoon said over the line. They just gave me an its-your-choice-to-tell-him-or-not look.
I decided to tell him that we're still in a cafe.
"Ani, we're at a cafe and wh---" I was cut when a deep voice interrupted.
"Hyung, pleaselisten. Ifyou'rethinkingthatI'mdefendingSunheeyou'rewrong." Taehyung said over the line. I looked up and saw that the Mins just rolled their eyes.
"You're not defending her?! Seriously?! You've just defended her earlier then why are you saying that you didn't defended her?!" Yoonchae yelled. The other costumers just looked at us. Yoongi just laughed silently at her.
"Ijust.... Wantedtostopthefightokay? I'mnotdefendingher." Taehyung said in a calm voice. Woah. Daebak. How can he calm just like that? Yoonchae is scary when she's mad.
"If you really want to stop the fight..." Yoonchae stopped for a while then we all looked at her. "...why did you not stopped it when she's about to grab my hair? ... But when I kicked her you just butted in and you looked at me like I was the one who's lying." She continued in a serious tone.