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Confession: I loved Nathan on One Tree Hill ❤️
Emily's POV
Waking up in the middle of the night I pick up my phone and go to my videos.
The very first video that pops up is me pretending to let Arin drive home.

I laugh to myself while watching the video.
I miss him.
Every time I look at these videos and think of going home I remember that they're better off without me.
I sigh and throw my phone down on the bed before getting up to get showered.
I moved out of town, somewhere no one can find me.
Tomorrow I have an interview with this school for the swim coach opening.
Hopefully I get it because if I really do wanna stay away I'm gonna need some money.
Alison's POV
Slowly getting up from bed while doing some stretching I suddenly feel dizzy.
Grabbing the side of my head I start to feel sick.
-OH GOSH I mumble to myself.
I pause for a quick second before getting a rumbling feeling in my stomach making me feel like vomiting.
Quickly I rush into the bathroom covering my mouth to stop the puke from spewing out.
Leaning over the toilet I start throwing up so much that I lose all energy to stand up on my own.
As I'm lying down on the cold bathroom floor, feeling lifeless Nathan walks in.
-ALISON, WHAT'S WRONG? Nathan frantically questions while helping me sit up.
-CAN YOU STAND UP? He asks causing me to shake my head no.
ALRIGHT Nathan quips. C'MON.
He then bends down and wraps my arms around his neck before picking me up bridal style and taking me to my room.
-THANKS I say.
-HERE YOU GO he says handing me a bottled water. IM GONNA GET GOING he adds. DO YOU NEED ANYTHING BEFORE I LEAVE?
Nathan babysat Arin last night since I had class and work.
Noel was supposed to do it but once he found out that I was pregnant he actually stopped answering my phone calls.
I guess Arin's out of a dad now too.
Luckily Nathan was free to do it.
When I got home they both were asleep and there was no point of waking him up so I left him sleeping.
-NO PROBLEM, I'LL SEE YOU AROUND Nathan tells me placing a kiss on the side of my head.
I smile a little and he walks out.
After hearing the downstairs door shut I get up to go wake Arin.
-HI BABY I say walking into his room to see him playing with his toys. WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK THERE? I ask as he peeks his face through his Fisher Price toy tower.

 WHAT ARE YOU DOING BACK THERE? I ask as he peeks his face through his Fisher Price toy tower

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-MOM PLAY he smiles.
The smile that was once on my face turns into a frown.
Arin then drops his toy and walks over to the window.
-MOM OUT THEWE? he questions pointing outside.
-NO I glumly say. I shake off my emotions and take his hand. LETS GO OUTSIDE TO PLAY.
He smiles and claps his hands before handing me his shoes to put on.
After brushing and getting him dressed we go out to the backyard to play on his swing set.
-YOU READY? I exclaim. YOU'RE GONNA GO SO HIGH I tell him.
Once I start pushing him on the swing the biggest smile comes across his face.

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