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Fuck the tca 2017 it was totally rigged and we all know who should've taken home those ugly ass surfboards 😂
anyyyway PSA I will be updating both this story and "Let's Forget The Past" in a couple of hours... I know I said that already and I didn't actually update but I was so exhausted I got home got in the shower and my intentions was to update but I fell asleep 😴 sooo yeah TODAY I will be updating within 3-4 hours.
Btw Emison Box video above ☝🏽
Sashay is so cute 😍 and sadly the sleepover they're planning on having won't happen because they're both super busy and there's a ugly fuck face that will be the main reason why it wont happen lol
*cough*.....  h**son  *cough*

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