what its like going to walmart w/ them

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-adds random things to the cart just to annoy you
-"I don't remember grabbing this"
-he tries to 'ride' the cart
-"that's what you get for being so stupid all the time"
-gets offended

-sits in the cart
-actually fits
-"when you take your kid shopping"
-almost falls asleep but you 'accidentally' hit the cart against the wall

-walks right behind you
-his hands on your waist
-his head leaning against your back
-you two super close together
-groans cause he's really bored
-"go... do something"
-runs off
-comes back with condoms and a smirk
-"no jack, put those back"
-"does anyone know where I can get my gazebos?!"

-goes to the video game isle
-ends up buying 2 new games
-"Wyatt, those were 70 dollars each.."

-you two share the handle that you use to push the cart
-leans his head on ur shoulder
-eventually gets bored
-"I'm gonna go get some gum"
-comes back with a 500 pack of dubble bubble gum

-Holds onto the sides of the cart and stands on it
-"ugghhh y/n this is so boring"
-"go get something"
-comes back with a bunch of sour candy


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