jack dylan grazer

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it was only 9 pm and i was laying in bed when jack decided to test out his new waterproof phone case.

my phone randomly started ringing while i was scrolling through instagram. right when one of his posts came up.

"hello?" i say through the phone with a small smile. "hey y/n, it's jack. can you hear me?" he asked. there was water splashing that you could hear in the background. "why.. why do i hear water jack?" i asked him.

i wonder what he's doing. sometimes he can be pretty stupid but sometimes he's really hilarious. "oh, it's because i'm in the shower!" he yelled out in excitement. i sighed and let out a small "oh-kay."

i laughed lightly. "iphones aren't waterproof... just letting you um... know" i said softly. he laughed. "yeah i know that but i got a waterproof phone case" he said plainly.

"oh," i said "so you're in the shower?" i asked him. "mhm" he replied. "oh my god... so you're-" i couldn't even say it. i just laughed.

"yes i-i am" he said awkardly.

"okay that's great. bye jack" i said with a weird laugh before hanging up.

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