how they ask you out

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he drew you and him on a piece of paper. other than that, he put that and a small note in your locker.

hey y/n,
i think you're really cool and i like you like.. a lot. I think that we should hangout or something.
we can go wherever you want, my treat. meet me on my house on Jackson Street @ 5:30.
love ya and hopefully see you soon,
bill denbrough :)

he had been watching you at his church for a while and he thought you were pretty cute. you've caught him watching you so many times that sometimes he ducks under the chairs so that you won't see him. one day during church, he pulled you outside and just asked you.

after getting pulled out through the door, you see who your kidnapper was. the one and only stanley uris.

he was smiling weak okay at you with big eyes. he looked as if he was admiring you.

"h-hey" he said as his voice cracked lightly. "hi" you say with a smile.

he started to scratch the back of his neck and takes a few steps back. "i wanted to know if you w-wanted to go to the ice cream parlor next door... maybe later?" he said confidently.

you couldn't help but smile. "are you asking me out on a date? stanley uris?" you say with small grin.

he smiled to himself before nodding. you hugged him. "of course"

he just walked up to you and told you because he's like that.

"hey you're really pretty and i think that you have a great personality. I also think that you're really super duper cool and i just... wanna go out on a date. see you at 6? okay great!" he said before running off with a bright red cheeks and a smile.

you thought it was a dare until he showed up at your house with a bouquet of flowers for you.

just read to find out

"why the 'loser'" you said as you pointed to a boys cast. he turned to you then looked behind him.

"m-me?" he asked awkwardly. you nodded at him with a smile. "someone wrote that, i didn't-" he was so awkwardly cute.

"here i'll fix that" you told him. you pick up a red sharpie and start to draw a V over the S in Loser.

"...lover" he muttered to himself. you smile at him. "...and here's my number. call me" you say with a wink before leaving the pharmacy.

later that night, he called you and he asked you out.

((original four. i'll make more preferences/imagined tomorrow))

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