finn wolfhard

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"Coffee for... Kadence?" The Employee at Starbucks yelled out as they read my name.

"I'm here, thank you" I said politely as I reached out to grab the coffee I ordered.

Without thinking, I turn around and walk right into someone. He did smell good tho. "crap, I'm so sorry" I said as I quickly pulled away from the boy.

"It's fine, I wasn't looking where I was going" he said, laughing lightly. He had black curls and looked like he invented cheekbones and freckles. I had been staring so much I forgot to answer.

"Okay um, I'm Kadence" I told the talk boy in front of me. "I'm Finn." He said. "Want to sit with me Kadence?" He asked.

"Um , Yeah sure" I quickly said, sitting down in front of Finn. What a nice name.

"So, Kadence... What's up?" He said, laughing lightly to himself. "Nothing, just got out of school... school sucks" I said, trying to keep the conversation going.

"Yeah it does. I take online classes because... I'm sort of a big deal around here" he said, except he whispered the last part.

"What does that mean?" I asked, looking at him in confusion. Is he narcissistic? Probably, I mean, look at him!, I thought to myself.

"I can't tell you here, it'd be bad if I just told you here in front of all these people" He said, whispering again.

"Cmon Finn, just tell me" I said as I lightly shoved him. "Fine, fine" he said raising his hands up with a grin.

He got up, took all his stuff and started walking. He made it to the door, then looked back. "Ya coming?" He asked with a grin.

"Yeah, I guess" I said, still confused.

We walked outside and I followed him to his... car? "Wait, you can drive?" I asked him. "Well.. not legally but yeah, I can" he said laughing.

"Okay, now back to I wanted to tell you" He said, pulling out his phone. Then he opened google.

"How does this have anything-" I said but got cut off by Finn shushing me. "Gee fine, I won't fucking talk" I said laughing.

He now googled himself. "Are you seriously googling yourself-" I stopped talking once I saw all the articles of him pop up, and all the pictures. He looked just like that kid on the screen, because it was him.

"Bro you look just like him!" I joked, earning a sarcastic laugh from Finn.

"So you're famous?" I asked him. He nodded sternly.

"I mean, I don't see why you couldn't tell me in the coffee shop" i said, talking a sip out of my coffee.

"Yeah, I overreacted a Little didnt I?" He said, making us both laugh in unison

"Well Finn Wolfhard, I got to get going. Nice meeting you." I said as I started to open the door.

"Are you sure you don't want a ride?" He said quickly, not wanting me to leave. "I mean, sure if you want to" I said as I got back in the car.

The whole ride, Finn played some good music. "Who is that?" I asked him. "Mac demarco, you should really listen to him, his music is really good" he told me.

"Oh I will" I said with a grin.

Once we were outside my house, i got all my stuff and got ready to go. "So, Thanks for the ride" I told him. "Anytime" He said with a wink.

"Also, lemme see that cup of yours" he said as he reached out for the cup of coffee. I let him do whatever he did, and then left.

"Bye beautiful!" He said, making me blush a light pink. "Bye you rebel!" I said, bringing up him illegally driving around.

He put the window up, then on his way out of he driveway, he waved.

I looked at the coffee cup and saw his number? And a date?!

'Meet me at the Park at 5pm
xx, wolfhard'

//I'm sorry this is bad : (\\

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