jack dylan grazer

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//my lil hyper boi

I was home alone. I was feeling sick and actually had a fever this time so my mom actually let me stay home. I was just chilling all day. I watched Netflix shows and movies all day. I saw my best friends, Noah and Finn on Stranger Things.

I would rather have my mom home with me but she 'has to' work. The doctor recommended just staying home for two days and prescribed some huge red medicine pills that I called my 'gazebos'.

The same day at exactly 3:07 pm, my best friend Jack showed up at my window. What was he trying to do? I don't really know but he was literally at my window. My room is on the second floor of my house...

he climbed up the side of the house.

I was grabbing my water bottle from my bed frame when I saw jack . He was about to knock on the window. He looked at me, then smiled very widely and tapped the glass. I almost had a heart attack.

I opened the window and said "Can't you use the door like a normal human being?!"

"Sorry baby but I make up my own rules" he said as I helped him into my room. Since my bed is right next to my window, he decided to jump.

"You child" I said as I playfully smacked his shoulder. "Why weren't you at school today?" He asked as he got up and sat at my desk as I went back to my bed. "I'm obviously sick jack" I said

"So I was supposed to bring your homework from all of our classes but I did them for you... they're also at my house" he said giggling to himself.

"Thank you jack" I said laughing. "Do you have any water or something for me to drink?" He asked. "Yeah there are water packs downstairs" I said. He looked at me as if he wanted me to go get it. "No jack, look for it" I said laughing. She sighed and ran downstairs. "DONT MAKE A MESS" I yelled.

He came back up with like five water bottles. "Uh thanks" I said as he gave me four of them. "Oh, here I brought you something" he said as he looked out the window and pulled in some (fav fast food place) in a take out bag.

"Omg Thank you so so much I love you" I said as I hugged him "that's why your my favorite" I joked. He laughed and started using all my stuff in my room. He drew some things and wrote all over my notebooks and left little notes everywhere.

After awhile we ended up all cuddled up on my bed watching Netflix on my 60" tv.

"You're my favorite" I said to jack because honestly he was. He's such an amazing friend and person. He's so caring and is always there for me. Also I may have developed some type of feeling I still don't know what to identify it as.

"I know" he said squishing his head against mine. "You're my favorite too" he said. Right after, he kissed my cheek. "Jack you'll get sick" I said blushing like crazy cause he tried to kiss me.

"So?! I really wanna kiss you right now." He said getting all excited. I sighed and said "but if you get sick, you were the one who chose to-" before I finished he pressed his warm, soft lips against mine. I laughed but eventually melted into the kiss.

"Jack, I'm starting to believe that you have a crush on Me" I said laughing. "I've had a crush on you since forever" he said pulling me into a hug.

"This reminds me of that lady Gaga song you listen to a lot. 'If I can't find the cure I'll fix you with my love'" 

//a lil rushed but I think I like it

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