richie tozier

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Richie Tozier, the trashmouth of Derry, Maine invited me to the Quarry.

Just us, by ourselves.

He definitely planned something out and it's probably weird.

Before i got there, i put on my favorite bathing suit and i wore a CAMO shirt and some shorts over it to cover up for now.

i would take it off when i got to the quarry.

I ended up riding my bike to the quarry and was there first.

Richie ran a little late. Maybe a couple minutes.

"sorry Evie, i couldn't get here on time. i had to stop by the store and pick something up" richie said as he ran towards me.

"it's okay rich. anyways, why did you only invite me and not the rest of our group?" i asked him, slightly confused.

if anything, i thought richie like eddie better than everyone else since he's always picking on him.

"because i only wanted to hang out with you, evie" he replied with a wink. i giggled lightly. "okay richie. wanna start swimming?" i asked him.

he nodded

we jumped into the water together.

he didn't wanna jump by himself so he decided to grab my hand which i was fine with.

we were splashing each other in the water a lot.

it was mostly richie being his flirtatious self.

it was fun.

richie and i played marco polo which i always ended up winning, just saying.

we also played tag in the water and then just relaxed.

by relaxing i meant floating around until richie got bored.

when richie gets bored, he begs me to do something.

we ended up having a few races and seeing who stayed under water the longest,

which by the way was obviously me.

richie and i swam for what felt like forever even though it was like 45 minutes.

a few stupid jokes later-

"evie, theres something i want to ask you..." he said as he pulled me over to the side.

"what?" i asked him.

so many different scenes played in my head but one of them was that he was gonna ask me out.

i doubted that that thought would actually occur

"this is kind of awkward but..." he pulled something out of his pockets.

it was a plastic bag with a ring pop inside of it?

"a ring pop?" i said while giggling lightly.

"well yes but..." he then got down on one knee. "do you want to go out with me?" he asked calmly as he handed me the ring pop

i was so shocked

but i thought that something like this would happen today

i didn't think i liked richie tozier but apparently i do

"yes" was all i said before taking the ring pop then hugging him

i never thought about liking him but now that i think about it,

he's cute, nice, makes funny jokes, very flirtatious, etc

he's perfect!

or at least he's perfect for me

"i didn't think you would say yes" he said while still hugging me

"i like you richie. i might not have known it until a while ago but i like you" i said before quickly pecking his cheek.

richies cheeks were bright red

"i love you" he said

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