jaeden lieberher

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"New neighbor" I thought to myself. It's been a while since we've had someone new move in next door. That house has been for rent for years. I saw a boy, kinda tall with brownish hair. It was only him and his mom.

I ran over to the kitchen and asked my mom "Can I go meet the neighbors?" I asked excitedly. "Yeah sure. Here's some cookies i made for them" she handed me the tray with aluminum foil over it and I quickly ran to the door and walked towards the new Neighbors.

"Hey! Nice to meet you. I'm Ayleen, your new neighbor" I said smiling as I handed her the cookies "and these are for you"

The lady smiled and said "thank you! I'm Alissa Lieberher and that's my son over there, Jaeden" she said as she pointed to the tall boy I saw earlier. "Jaeden!" Alissa called out.

{I don't know jaedens moms name sorry😂}

The boy walked over and grabbed a cookie. "Ooh cookie" he softly said as he bit into it. "Wow... that was delicious" he said after finishing it.

"Thank you." I replied. "I'm ayleen, your new neighbor"

"Nice to meet you new neighbor. I'm Jaeden." We shook hands as we smiled at each other. "Hey I saw a beach on the way here. Jaeden, why don't you take her there or something" Alissa said. Jaeden looked slightly awkward but eventually gave in.

"I'll go ask my mom" I said. I ran into my house and asked and my mom immediately agreed, not knowing that we were going to an oceanfront.

"She said yes" I said as I ran back up to Jaeden. "Sweet. My mom said she can drive us" Jaeden replied. I nodded "Okay"

Once we got there, Jaeden ran up to the ocean and started to take of his shoes. "You coming?" He asked. I shook my head. "My mom doesn't really like me coming here" I said. "Why" Jaeden asked.

"Well, she thinks it dangerous. When I was a kid, I was playing here in this exact spot when I almost got dragged deep into the ocean. My uncle thankfully got a hold of me and saved me" I said. "Oh..." Jaeden replied "Well, I'll save you if you need saving" he said with a smirk

"Oh really?" I asked as I started to take off my shoes. Jaeden smirked as he took off his pants, only to be left on boxers and his shirt. I also took off my pants. Thankfully I had boy shorts on.

"Let's go" Jaeden said as he gestured his hand towards mine. I smiled and held his hand, accidentally interlocking our fingers.

We slowly walked into the cold water. I squealed at how cold it was. "Oh my... it's freezing" I said laughing. Jaeden laughed and started bending down to touch the water. I kicked my foot which caused some water to splash into jaedens face. Jaeden laughed and then ran to me. "No Jaeden, stop " I said laughing.

He got a hold of me and pulled me deeper into the water, but not too deep. He let go of me and it felt amazing. "This is so cool!" I said, playing around. I wanted to go in deeper but Jaeden stopped me "Don't go that way"

We kept playing in the water until we decided to go up shore and just lay in the sand and watch the sunset.

"The sky is beautiful" Jaeden said smirking. "but not as beautiful as you" Jaeden added as he started to wrap his arm around my neck. I smiled "you're amazing, you know that lieberher?"

// iiimaniac I'm sorry... this is trash

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