richie tozier

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Ringggggg Ringggggggg 8:15pm

My mom picked up the phone then looked at me.
"Y/n, this is for you" she said as she handed me the phone. It's probably Richie since he calls me like 24/7.

"Hey, y/n..." Richie said into the phone. Of course...
"Waddup Richard?" I asked him, kind of tired. "Let me come over, hot stuff?" He asked.

Before you ask, yes he uses his flirty jokes on me. Who doesn't he use them on tbh??

"What? I don't know I need to ask-" he cut me off. "No no don't ask!" I sighed. "Fine Richie.. you can come over" I said quietly. You can hear him celebrating from the other side of the call. I laughed at him.

"Thanks, love you babe" He said, making a kissy noise too. "Bye, love you" I said


It was now 9:30pm

Richie isn't here yet. I was drawing in my sketchbook when I heard a few knocks on my window. I got so scared until I noticed it was Richie.

I opened it up for him and he said "Hey babe" while climbing inside the room. "Richie what the fuck! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I said in all serious ness. Richie laughed but I smacked him on the shoulder. "Why cant you be normal!?" I said, this time laughing at him, not with him.

"I am baby" he said, swinging his arm around my shoulder. I pushed it off and said, "you have to be quiet cause my mom is here. what do you want rich?" I asked him.

"Okay y/n... this is gonna sound weird but I need advice on trying to.. trying to get a girl" Richie said, awkwardly. I bursted out laughing. "You? Got a girl?" I said while laughing at him. Richie got a little uncomfortable.

"Aww Richie I'm sorry" I said as i gave him a quick hug. "Now anyways, are you really here for that?" I asked him. He nodded.

"Okay um... I wasn't really prepared for this" I said, laughing lightly. "What's going on between you and the girl" I said to him. He took a while to think.

"Well, we met 8 years ago and I think we could be more than friends but I don't think she wants that. It could also ruin our friendship and I just need help" he said sternly. For a second, I thought he was talking about us cause I have a wonderful friendship with him and have known him for 8 years...

"Aww Richie" i said. "Just tell her, maybe she'll like you"

"But.. but I'm pretty fucking sure she doesn't" Richie said. "Aww rich. What's her name?"

Richie tensed up a little. "i-i can't say she has amazing e/c eyes and soft, h/c hair and she's beautiful." I got a little uncomfortable. It's me. It's me. i'm the one he likes. richie tozier likes me

"she's so beautiful..." he said once more as he stared right at me. "please, just tell me richie" i said to him, gulping slightly after finishing my sentence

"i can't tell you, at least not yet" he said, gulping too.

"i like her a lot, y/n. i can't tell her, she doesn't like me. i might aswell give up" he said, sighing lightly. aww, he's so cute when he's sad.

wait, i was just talking about how uncomfortable i am about richie talking about me but now he's cute? do i like richie tozier?

"pfft, who doesn't" i said out loud on accident while laughing lightly. "what?" he said, a little confused.

"sorry i was um... talking to myself" i said awkwardly.

"so, how do you know she's gonna- she's gonna say no?" i said, stopping in between my sentence. "because i know her and i know me, she'll never like anyone like one does...." he said, sadly.

"you sure about that?" i said grinning. he smiled ever so widely. "you really think she'll say yes?" he asked happily. "i know she'll say yes" i reassuringly told him. he smiled again. he couldn't speak. he was too happy

"okay then, tell her" i told him. "what?" he said, knowing exactly what i said. "tell her you like her" i said again. "but, i don't know.. how. can i practice on you?" he asked. dang that was smooth

"yeah sure" i said. he started to speak.

"hey y/n. you're looking quite fine today." he said to me with a grin

"thanks richie. i actually wanted to ask you something" i said. he gave me a confused look. "what?" he asked. "well, i um.. i wanted to know if you wanted to go out sometime?" i asked him. his mouth was open. "i was gonna ask you b-but sure" he said with a wide smile

"see richie, i told you she'd want to be with you" i said laughing. he smiled "wait, so that wasn't real?" he said awkwardly.

"do you want it to be?" i said, quietly. "y-yea i do" he replied, reaching out for my hand and holding lightly.

//: ) miaisnotsocial

this sux, i know

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