bill denbrough

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"Fuck off" I yelled out to Henry before running out of my house, tears streaming down my face.

I told him something that i thought would fix him, but it didn't. He had tried to ask out this girl but she said no. He broke her wrist because she said no. That's not what I call a gentleman.

"Maybe if you didn't bully the kids at our school so damn much, you would actually get a girl but no! You just have to be a bitch all the fucking time!" I yelled at him.

He got so mad, he slapped me across the face and to make it worse, pushed me down the stairs. I twisted my ankle badly and when I was able to get up, punched him right in the jaw.

I ran out of the house, crying really badly. I hated him. He always treated me badly. And dad wouldn't even care, which is even worse.

I ran and ran until I made it to the quarry. My favorite place in Derry. The only place where I'm free.

I sat by the edge of the cliff, my legs dangling. I don't have any swim clothes on but I was contemplating not wether I should jump.

It was a nice place. The quarry is the best place in Derry. "H-Hey. You o-o-Okay?" A boy asked. I turned around and saw that it was Bill Denbrough. He's in my Math class.

"Bill?" I asked, noticing his stutter. "Y-Yeah is m-me. You o-okay h-Harper?" He said as he took a seat next to me. I tried to lie and fake a smile but it didn't work. Or at least with bill it didn't.

I broke down and started crying. I shook my heart and wiped away my tears. "What h-happened?" He asked politely. I didn't know If i should tell him. It took me a while to respond, but eventually I did.

"It was h-Henry" I said, stuttering lightly. Bill ended up. Henry bullied him and his friends too. "W-what'd He do?" He asked.

I sighed, and took a deep breath. "I told him off. I told him that if he would stop bullying kids he might actually get a girl-" I said, giggling a little causing bill to laugh too.

"He got mad at me and he slapped me and to make it worse, pushed me down the stairs" I said, showing him the bruise at my ankle.

"Shit, t-that looks like it hurts" He said, looking at me with sorry in his eyes. "It does" I said.

"What're you here for?" I asked him. Before answering, he looked back as if he was waiting for someone.

"My f-f-f-friends and I a-agreed to come here today but... I-I g-guess they aren't h-huh-here yet" he said lightly. He then turned his attention to down the cliff.

"I mean... I could leave if you want me-" I was cut off my bill. "N-n-no no don't go" he said, placing his hand out on mine. "Oh. Okay" I said lightly and very awkwardly.

After thing, we just talked. We mostly talked about school and drawing.

One person broke our conversation.

"Get some, Denbrough!" Richie yelled out, making bill blush. "St-stuh-stop Richie" bill said, trying to cover his face. I laughed and then stayed with them the rest of the day

//Crazy_Believer <— follow her

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