jaeden lieberher

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After filming the scenes where we do the blood oath, it's finally time to film the kiss scene between Jaeden and I.

Right when Ben left, Andy stopped filming and talked to us. "You guys ready?" He asks us.

We both gulp and nod. "Alright, get out there" he said as we walked back out on set.

Finn, Jack, Jeremy, Chosen, and Wyatt were watching from behind the Camera.


"I need to go Bill. I gotta finish packing" I told bill as I turned to him. He nodded. "B-Bye" He said.

I got up and started to walk away.

Then, Bill gets up and quickly runs over to me. He kisses me and I just stand there.

Crap, I forgot to kiss back! I told myself

I smile to myself for a few seconds, then pull bill in for another kiss. The kiss lasted more than the directors wanted but they kept it in because it seemed like real love.

Honestly, the second kiss was all me. I think I like Jaeden

The kiss went on for a while longer.

Then I pulled away

"Bye bill" I told him, then ran off leaving bill with a heartbroken look.

"annnnnd cut!" Andy yelled out

I walked back towards Jaeden and Andy. "Good scene and Bea, good job on the kiss scene. I didn't expect it to go like that, but good!"

"Thanks" I said awkwardly as Jaeden smiled softly at me. "You too Jaeden. The kiss looked like it really meant something" Andy told him.

Jaeden nodded.

Maybe it did


After I finished changing my clothes after finishing up the scene, I opened my trailer door to see Jaeden about to knock.

"Oh um... hey" I told him as I put my hand in my pocket. "Can I.."

"Yeah of course, come in" I said as I opened up the door more.

He walked and it got kinda awkward after that

"Sooo... the kiss" i said, trying to break the awkward tension between us

"You felt something too Bea?" He said, looking up towards me.

"What?" I asked him, a little shocked.

"You might not feel the same, but when we kissed... I felt something. I felt it in my heart" he said as he placed his hand towards his heart. "And... and I realized that I like you, more than friends"

I aw-ed a little. "Yeah, I felt the same too" I told him as I looked down.

"You did?" He said as he got a little excited. "Yeah, I like you too Jaeden" I told him.

"Go on a date with me Bea" he blurted out. "What?" I said laughing a little. I knew exactly what he said, I just wanted to make sure that I wasn't dreaming or something.

"Go on a date with me... tomorrow" he said as he got up. "Yes yes.. what time?" I asked him. "7pm... I'll get my mom to take us there" he said.

"Okay" I said.

"Well I better get going now Bea" he told me as he started to get up.

"Okay... see you tomorrow Jaeden" I told him as I walked him out the door. "Bye" I said to him before he left. He waved then walked away to his trailer.

The date was amazing. We went out to some Chinese food place and the food was absolutely amazing. I got some cute pictures of Jaeden for me to post on my Instagram later.

Don't tell anyone but after the date, we secretly went to the park.

We were sitting on the swings observing the sunset when it happened. He slowly pulled me closer to him and quickly connected our lips.

The kiss kept going, like the one we did for the movie except this one meant a whole lot more.

"Jaeden" I sighed out while laughing ever so lightly.

"Will you be my girlfriend... please." He said, giggling a little at the end. "Of course" I told him as I hugged him.

Thank you IT movie for bringing me and my Boyfriend together.

This is the happiest I've ever been in my whole entire life.

//hope you like it @-eddiesplacebos

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