jaeden lieberher

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Ever since I was little I've been acting. Even if the acting wasn't good acting, it still counts right?

Anyways, my mom signed me up for an acting class. I don't know if it's because my acting is bad or if it's because she sees potential in me becoming an actress.

The acting class studio was about 10 minutes away from my home. It was a small studio place above a store on Main Street. When I arrived there, many kids looked at me. They were all kids I've never seen before but one of them... a boy, stood out to me.

"Welcome guys. I'm mr. k, your new acting coach. Today we will go over some simple acting strategies after we introduce ourselves. Why don't you go first?" Mr K said, pointing to the boy I was just talking about. "Uh okay..." He said softly.

"M-my name is Jaeden lieberher and I'm an actor. I've been acting all my life. I've actually been in some movies but I'm here to improve my acting skills because they aren't so... good" he said confidently. I smiled, knowing that I recognized him before.

"Nice to meet you Jaeden. Why don't you pick someone to go next?" Mr k told him. "Okay. I pick her" Jaeden replied, pointing to me. I smirked.

"Hi I'm Sofia and I've been acting all my life, like Jaeden but I've never been in a real movie before. just some school plays and stuff" I said with a small laugh. Everyone welcomed me and I sat back down.

After a while, we had to pick  partner for an improv show we were going to do in front of the whole class. I didn't pick Jaeden but he picked me.

"Hey. Sofia right?" He asked. I nodded. "Wanna be partners?" He asked. "Sure Jaeden" I replied.

The improv scene we got was where two best friends who are crushing on each othe. One day they go out and confess their feelings.

We started off the conversation in a normal way. We had a normal conversation for like 3 minutes and then Jaeden popped a weird question.

"Have you ever thought about spending a life time with someone?"

"No not really. What about u?" I replied.

"I have. I want my future to be perfect but... it's not perfect until I ask that special someone"

"Jaeden you're only 14" I said laughing.

"I know Sofia but..." he bit his lip.

"But what?" I replied, knowing exactly where this was heading. He leaned forward and crashed his lips against mine.

I immediately kissed his soft lips back, not knowing how far we were gonna go. Then he pulled back and rested his forehead on mine.

"I like you" He said, panting a little.

"I like you too Jaeden"

"and that's the scene" Jaeden told the acting coach.

"Wow" mr k said. "That was... excellent!"

Jaeden and I smirked at each other. "I wasn't acting in the last part..." he whispered into my ear, giving me goosebumps.

I immediately asked for his number.

best day ever



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