wyatt oleff

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After not seeing the boys after a while, we all decided to have a cast party. "You have to come" Wyatt told me as we FaceTimed. "Yes Wyatt I know! I'm so excited to see you" I told him as he smiled so big you could see his dimples.

"I missed you Tyann! I got to go but I'll see you later right?" He asked. "Yes wy we've been over this" I told him. "Okay bye love you" he quickly said. He then covered his mouth and hung up.

I laughed at him and then decided to look for something cute to wear.

I ended up wearing this, not wanting to look to extra.

I ended up wearing this, not wanting to look to extra

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I got to Finns house by 7:40. Everyone else got there by 6:00.

As I knocked on the door, I heard everyone run towards the door and when they saw me, they all started screaming things like 'omg I missed you so much' 'we missed you' and 'omg Tyann you're here!'

"Guys calm down" I told them as they stopped.

We first watched some movies. We later got bored.

"How about we play truth or dare" Finn said out loud, getting all of our attention. "Sure why not" I told them. Everyone else agreed.

"Alright... Wyatt truth or dare" Finn told him. Wyatt gave finn an 'uhh why me' look.

"Dare" he answered with a smirk. Everyone in the room ou-ed

"I dare you to be locked up with Tyann I'm that closet for about 7 minutes" finn told him as he pointed towards his rooms closet.

"Okay I don't really mind. We're rlly close friends, I don't see why not" I told them. They all laughed and winked at Wyatt.

Finns closet was so small that Wyatt and I were only a few inches apart. Things got kinda award for the first couple of minutes, then I couldn't help but notice Wyatt was staring right into my eyes.

"What?" I told him as I giggled lightly. He didn't answer. "What?" I said, a little more serious now.

He quickly pressed our lips together. He lightly pushed me against the closet wall, earning some laughs from outside.

"OOU Wyatt get some!" Jack yelled out.

The two of us kissed in sync until finn interrupted. When Finn randomly opened the door, Wyatt and I separated as quickly as we could.

"So I see you two are a thing now?" Finn said with a smirk as all the other boys stood behind him.

"I don't know, are we?" I asked Wyatt.

"Uh Yeah. Yeah, Tyann and I are together now" he said as he grabbed my hand and interlocked our fingers.

"yesss finally!" Jeremy and chosen both said as they recorded

"Wait, did all of you set this up?" Wyatt asked them. Jack nodded as Finn tried to get him to stop.

"What.. n-no no no.. actually yeah.. we all did" he said, making me laugh.

//sorry this sucks :( @tygirlforever1

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