jack dylan grazer

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After an hour or so of running around the gym and dribbling, the basketball coach decided to say who made the team.

"Okay so, everyone did great today. Sadly, we've only got 9 spots on the team. So, Veronica... you're captain." Coach B said. Everyone called for Veronica.

"Yay v!" I said as I gave her a high five. "And Amaya, you're also captain." Everyone cheered once again, then coach continued.

"If I say you're name you made the team. Shayla, Jessica, Sharon, Alissa, Maya and Y/n. Congrats guys" and with that, tryouts were over.

I let out a sigh of tiredness as I got my gym back and started to walk outside the school. There, my best friend jack waited for me outside.

"Did you seriously wait for me?" I said laughing. Jack nodded "I told you that if you made the team I'd get you Chick-fil-A so... did you make the team?" He asked.

I waited a few seconds before telling him. "Yes I made the team" I said proudly. Jack got all excited and literally jumped at me, or what he calls giving people hugs. I hugged back, excited for the season.

"Let's go!" Jack said as he grabbed my hand and started running towards the delicious fast food restaurant.

*time skip; maybe 1 week*

"Jack! My first game is tomorrow" I told his as I leaned against the locker next to him. "And?" He asked "You'll do amazing" he replied. I blushed lightly "oh stop it. You know I don't do well under pressure"

"You'll do great" he said as he closed his locker and we started to walk towards our next class.

*time skip; the next school day*

I was getting out of my car when I saw an anxious jack waiting at the school entrance. He's waiting for me, isn't he i thought to myself.

Once my mom drove off, jack ran up to me. "Tell me you won that game"

I didn't respond.

"We lost; 39-38" I replied. "Tell me you shot most of those..." he said laughing. I nodded "oh yeah. 5 3-pointers And 2 2-pointers."

"You're amazing!" He said as he hugged me. "But you lost so no chick-fila today!" He said as he ran off to his locker. I giggles.

*last time skip I promiseee*

~ before your second game~

"Jack... I'm panicking. The teams gonna loose again, I can just feel it" I told jack as I fixed my jersey.

"Y/n... listen to me. Just believe in yourself. You might not make every shot but just remember that you can do it. Take your time. Remember how I taught you..." he said smirking.

"Jack, that was 7 years ago and you didn't even know what you were doing" I said laughing which made jack laugh too.

"God your laugh is so contagious" he mumbled.


Jack sat there thinking of what he could do to make me feel better.

"Come here" He said as he grabbed my hand and lead me off into the hallway.

He randomly stopped by some lockers and quickly pecked my lips. "Good luck kiss..." he said awkwardly. I laughed and said "Yeah... I got to get on the court. I'm one of the starting 5. Cya later?" I told him.

"Yeah; I'll be here watching"

*after game* hehe I lied^^^^^^^^^

"Omg you did amazing" jack said pulling me in for a hug. "I know... haha just kidding" I said.

"You did so good. And good job on winning today" he said as we started to walk outside.

"Thank you... I guess that kiss was good luck" I said smirking. "Maybe so" he replied.

"I guess I'm going to have to give them to you before every game so... be my girlfriend y/n?" he asked smirking.

"Yes..." I replied, kissing his cheek.


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