wyatt oleff

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"Honey I'm home!" Wyatt yelled out as he walked into my room. My mom must've let him in. He's been gone for so long I don't even know how to react.

"Finally" i yell out as I quickly walk over to him and hug him. He hugs back, gently holding onto my waist as I wrap my arms around his neck.

We pull away after a while. "So, How was Hawaii?" I ask him. "It was great Emily, it was so warm and beautiful! The ocean was a while different shade of blue and ugh, I wish you were there with me. I thought of you every second I was there because I missed you a lot" he said eagerly as he leaned forward again for another hug.

I laughed and hugged him. "Should've brought me something" I joked to him. "Oh I did!" He said as he ran into the hallway outside my room and revealed a huge, white bag.

"Oh no Wyatt, you shouldn't have." I said as I watched him dig through the bag.

"All of this is yours by the way. Yes, I pretty much spent all my money on you because... because I love you" He said as he pulled out a ring in its little case.

"I bought this at one of the little boardwalk shoppes. It's a little wave" he said as he placed it on my right hand and on my wedding finger. "How adorable" I said as I hugged him. "Thank you this is beautiful" I said.

"That's not all" he replied as he dug through the bag some more.

"I know how much you love chocolate so I brought you back these only available in Hawaii Macadamia Nut Hershey kisses" he said as he pulled out he blue bag full of kisses.

"That looks amazing Wyatt" I said as I looked at the bag in awe, then at Wyatt "you're amazing" I told him. "Yeah I know" he replied winking.

Once again, he dug through the bag. "You remember my 'it's Maui time' posts on Instagram and the pic of Maui? Yeah well there in Hawaii, they have all this Moana stuff and I bought us one of those couples costumes" he said, laughing a little at the end. He bought the Maui costume for himself and the Moana costume for me. "Omg Wyatt you're such a meme. Thank you by the way, I love it" I said as I kissed his cheek.

He stood still with a smile on his face for a second before continuing on with what's left in the bag.

"Last couple of things are matching shirts, pyjamas, a hat, Maui's hook, a cool seashell necklace and-" he cut him self off by his own laughter "I got you a coconut shell bikini top" he said, now laughing even more.

As I looked at all the stuff he got me, I realized he must've spent about 100$ in total. Maybe even more.

"Wyatt you're such an amazing boyfriend, I don't deserve you or these wonderful gifts. Thank you and I love u lots" I said as I hugged him again. He hugged back

"Of course bubba, anything for you" he replied.

"Now, lets cuddle in your bed while watching anime or I will turn this boat around!" He said, randomly pulling out his Maui hook. I giggled and set up Netflix

__Weasley__Twins__ was this good? CoMmEnT

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