wyatt oleff

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"emilyyyy... stop playing with my hair" Wyatt said to me as I continued to play with his hair. "But it's so soft and pretty and did I say soft yet?"

"Yes Emily I know. You've told me this before" he said, paying more attention to his Nintendo switch. I rolled my eyes and then sat back down next to him.

I was on my phone for a while and then decided to have a conversation with him.

"Whatcha doin?" I asked him. He giggled, "playing a video game" he replied. "What video game" I asked.

"{insert fav video game}" he said. "OOU I like that one" I said as I started to watch him play. He laughed again, still paying more attention to his game.

I leaned my head on his shoulder and watched. He sorta flinched but I decided not to make a big deal out of it.

I tried getting his attention back a while later but he just didn't care. He was trying to defeat the boss.

Apparently video games were more important than his best friend. I always try to get his attention but fail, kinda like now.

"Wyatt" I said. No answer. "Wyattttttt" again, no answer. I groaned and stood up and waved my hands in his face.

"Emily please wait" he said, even more concentrated than before. I sighed and then did the unexpected. I lifted his chin up and smashed my lips against his.

He was a little shocked but eventually went with it.

He was so shocked that he dropped the switch.

I pulled away after a few seconds. "Woah" was all he said. I laughed when I saw his face which was now crimson red.

"I have a crush on you too" he replied, giggling a little. I sat next to him and hugged him.

"So... we have a whole afternoon to ourselves... what do you want to do?" He said standing up and holding my hand.

"Video games?" I said

"Video games." He replied with a smirk

//hshdjdkaka trash

For __Weasley__Twins__

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