stanley uris

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"hey i was wondering if... if.... shit" stanley said as he walked down the street to his new friend Paige's house. he was on his way to ask her out but he couldn't think of what to say. he held a sunflower in hand which was for Paige.

"i got you this flower which is almost as pretty as you" he said. he stopped for a second and smiled. "that's a good one" he muttered softly as he kept going.

when he made it to paige's house, the door seemed to be unlocked. without hesitation, he turned the doorknob and the door opened. he didn't want to come out as weird so he peeked inside. "paige?" he called out.

no response.

"hello?" he yelled out into the house. still no response. he quickly walked inside the house, gently placed the flower on the closest table and walked around the house. there were broken pieces of glass on the floor and you could hear water running upstairs. "paige?" he said with a slight voice crack.

he rushed upstairs to hear the bathtub water running. the door was cracked wide open. he walked over to the room and knocked on the door. he didn't hear anyone so he walked in. the bathtub was overflowing with water and so was the sink next to it.

stanley stepped out of the bathroom after closing the faucets. he walked over to a bedroom. the door had a sign which read "paige's room!" he knocked. "hello? paige? are you in there?" he asked softly. he knocked a little louder before quickly opening the door. on the walls, there was something written in what seemed to be blood. "if you try, you die"

stanley ran out of the house after reading what it said. he rushed out quickly, not realizing that there was a dead corpse in the bedroom next to Paige's.

he ran and ran until he made it to bill denbrough a house. when he knocked, his mom answered the door. he wasn't home, she said.

he had no other choice than to look at the arcade which is a place you'd never see him.

richie was there. "richie," he said. "is bill here?" he asked nervously. richie pressed a few buttons on the game while shaking his head no. "it's back" stanley told him. "it got paige" he said with a scared look on his face.

richie's character died by the time Stan said that. "How do you know she isn't just somewhere else?" he asked. stanley rolled his eyes "Just... follow me" he said as he walked out of the arcade. richie shrugged and followed.

While walking to bill's place, they spot bill denbrough himself with the beverly marsh. "bill.. it" stanley chocked out. "it got paige" he said with a frown. "we need to get her back" he said with a concerned look.

bill looked around. "g-g-get everyone else. w-wuh-we can stop i-it once and f-fuh-for a-all" he said with a nod.


after going inside the house on neibolt street, stanley's number one priority was to find paige.
he yelled her name out all over and she wouldn't leave his mind once. he was worried.
for her and for himself.

"paige!" he yelled out as the group walked into a big room with a pile of stuff in the middle. eddie ended up pointing something out. a girl dressed exactly like paige.

"paige!" stanley yelled out with a somewhat happy tone. he had finally found his girl. the boys made a small 'ladder' to pull the girl down from floating in midair.

when he pulled her down, he moved her hair from her face. it was covering her eyes. paige's eyes were rolled back.

stanley lightly shook her shoulder. she wasn't budging. "p-paige?" he stuttered softly in a whisper. no response. he was desperately trying to wake her when he thought about kissing her like in all of those teen drama movies.

he gently placed his lips on hers as he gripped her cheek softly. when he pulled away, paige didn't immediately wake up.

when she did wake up, stanley couldn't help but let out tears of joy. he hugged her tightly.

paige was unsure of her surroundings but eventually hugged stanley back. "i love you" he told her. "i'll never let you go"

sorry it's sloppy :(

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