Your house

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You've been in Slytherin house for long time and you hated it because of one person, pansy yes pansy she's a a no good low life jealous bitch that won't leave me the hell alone. "Hey there's my favourite friend of all time." "Hey Hermione how are you." "Good you." "Pansy called me a filthy trader for talking to you and the others." "Ugh she is such a jerk sometimes no wonder she and and Malfoy are dating." I turned to her in shock. "There dating." She looked at me and remembered that I had a small crush on him and she gave me sad eyes and rubbed my back. "Nikita I'm sorry I forgot but hey your crush just formed so who knows you could get over him in time." "I guess." I looked at Draco and he smiled at me and I just looked down. "I'm going to go for a walk by myself." "Ok just be back before bed." "I always am." I hugged Hermione and walked out of the mess hall I looked and saw Draco wave for me to come over. "Ugh now what." I walked over and stood in front of him and Pansy. "Yeah." "You want to join use you never sit with us anymore and we want to know how you are." "Um not today I just want to go and be by myself right now and I'm ok I'll sit with you tomorrow ok promise." "Oh ok and cool see you back at the common room." "Yep." I gave him a small smile and walked away and tears formed in my eyes and I started shaking before I was even out the door I saw Hermione get up and ran to me and hugged me. "Shhhhhh your going to be ok come on let's go before they see." I looked out of the corner of my eye and Draco was looking at me with sad eyes but pansy was smirking a bit. "Let's go." I walked out and started sobbing on Hermione's shoulder I used all of my power not to fall to the ground. "I have to sit with them tomorrow they asked me to join them and I said yes I hate myself." "Look just sit with them you are a Slytherin but try to stay away from Pansy ok." "Huh ok." We sat in an empty corridor until it was almost time for bed. "We better get to our houses, see you tomorrow, Ok Nikita good night." "Night Hermione." I walked into the Slytherin house and saw Draco was still up, he looked at me and got up. "Oh sorry I thought everyone was in bed I'll just go,night Malfoy." "You can call me Draco you know." "yeah but I prefer not to at this very moment." "Ok what's up with you before me and pansy started dating me and you use to me be friends what happened to use." "Oh your dating pansy that's great I'm glad pug face finally got a boyfriend." "Ok what's up we used to be so close what happened to us I miss the old you the happy smiling laughing Nikita I know." I turned and walked to the stairs and then stopped. "She went away when your girlfriend came here and picked on me." I saw Draco in shock and went on up the stairs half way up I was stopped when Draco grabbed me. "I'm sorry Nikita but please don't shut me out." I pulled my arm out of his grip and looked at him holding back my tears and it was going to kill me for say this to the one I like so dearly. "It's to late I already did I shut everyone out but my Gryffindor friends." I sounded angry but really I was sad because it killed me to say that. "Nikita please what ever I done to hurt you let me fix it please." "I'm sorry Draco but you can't fix a broken hea- soul." He looked at me but I just ran to my room and Pansy was my room mate so I couldn't cry in my room so I just went straight to bed and ignored her completely. The next day I woke up early but not that early apparently because Draco was up and pansy too they were snogging on the couch. "Ugh why don't you just get a room god." They pulled away and Draco gave you sad eyes but pansy was pissed. "Draco I'll be right back I want to talk to my bestie Nikita for a second." My eyes widen and before I could move she grabbed my arm and pulled me to our room and threw me to the floor. "You little bitch you need to keep your mouth shut." She kicked me in the stomach. "Ahhhh." She laughed at me then kicked me again and again. "Ahhh... please stop your hurting me." She stopped then walked out. I was left crying on the floor just hoping Draco heard me but he didn't, I use a spell so I could walk but the bruises were still there. I walked to the mess hall and sat with Hermione, Ron, Fred, Gorge, and Harry. "Aren't you supposed to be sitting with the Slytherin's today." "Pansy kicked me earlier and I yelled at Draco last night, I can't face them." "Well Draco is the one calling you." "Huh fine I'll go." I got up and went to the Slytherin table and sat down in front of Pansy. "Why did you sit over there you said you were going to sit with us." "Sorry I forgot Hermione just reminded me." "Oh so Nikita how've you been." "I'm good just been stressed with my work." "I know school work is so hard." Pansy was being sarcastic and it bothered me. "Draco I'm sorry about last night." "What happened last night." "Me and Nikita had an agreement last night." "What about." "Its personal Pansy." "Well you were fighting with my boyfriend so I have a right to know." "Huh I can't take it anymore, Draco your no good pug face of a girlfriend is a bully she pickes on me every day just today she kicked me and I have bruises thanks to her." I got up and ran out of the mess hall in tears. "He hates me."

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