Im a death eater(smut)

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I walked into my new home I was happy because it was Malfoy manner. School ended a week ago me and Draco are stronger then ever same for my friends, Harry is still upset that he watched another person he loves die and him and the others are going to kill the dark lord by finding his hollcrosses and I wish I could help but I can't because I'm a death eater now. "Nikita are you even listening." Draco elbowed me and my full attention went to the dark lord. "Yes my lord." "So You know that I want you to go treat our new guest." "Yes my lord." "Good now you and Draco go and get me information on Potter." "Yes my lord." "Yes my lord." Me and Draco went to the basement bit when we got downstairs before we walked down the hallway he kissed me with passion because he knew I was scared. "You can do this you ask the questions and I will cast the spells OK." "OK." "Do you know where Potter is now." "No but I wish I did so I could warn him but I can't or I'm dead." "Hey it's OK." We got to our new guest and it was lona. "Lona!" "Nikita!?" "I'm sorry your here Lona." "Me too." "I'm guessing you don't know where Potter is do you." "No I don't I'm sorry the last I heard she was seen in the ministry of magic." "OK thanks lona that's all for now." "Nikita he has to hear her scream." "Draco we can't she my friend." "I know but." "It's OK do one spell the go put." I looked away and I heard him say a spell then I covered my ears to try to block out her screams, after Draco hugged me before I was crying and shaking he took me to the door and kissed me. "I'm so sorry Nikita, she told me to for the dark lord I come and clean her up tonight OK for you." "Thanks Draco." He kissed me again and I opened the door and we walked back to the meeting table. "Well." "She said the last time Potter was seen was in the ministry of magic." "OK thank you that's all you can go." I walked slowly then when I was out of his sight I ran to mine and Draco's room. Draco ran after me because I was crying again. "Hey hey shhh don't cry." "my own friend why her why not that pugface bitch I can hurt her all day." "hey look I know she hurt you before but this isn't you and you know it your just upset." "i should have died that day in Hogwarts.""don't say that."he looked at my arms and saw the new marks on my left arm and he kissed him and healed them. "Why, why me Draco why did you choose me a no good depressed loser." "you are not a depressed loser your just going through stuff and because the first day we meet at dagon ally I fell for you because you liked me for me and not my name." "your not wrong, my cousin told me about your family but I kept saying to shut up because no matter the last name you have I will love you, and I found out my parents are
Both magical so I'm a pure blood." "hey pure blood, half blood, or mud blood I will still. Love you." I smiled at Draco and kissed him. "I'm not sure if I can do this forever Draco." "as long as I'm here with you, you won't have to fight alone." he kissed me again and I kissed him back he stood up without breaking the kiss. He then pulled back and put my feet on the bed and pushed me back and got on top of me. "Draco you know I'm a virgin we never done it before." "I know and we don't have to if you don't want to." "huh I'm ready but take it slow OK." "I will I promise." he pulled out his wand and cast a spell. "Quitelamosao." "you sound proofed the room." "in case we get loud."he smirked and then locked the door and walked back to me and got on top of me and kissed me slow but I picked up the passe, his hand slowly rubs my hips and goes up my shirt. He goes to my neck and started biting and sucking on my skin. "Oh Draco." "you like that." he smirked on my neck and bit hard enough to leave a mark. "Take my shirt off Draco please." he went down and pulled up my shirt with his teeth and uesd his hand to pull it over my head. He stared at me and I started to move my hands but he stopped me. "Don't hide babe your beautiful just the way you are." he kissed my chest and then he took off my bra and stated sucking on my right Brest. "Mmm Draco." he moved his tounge over my nipple and then he sat up. "Ass up babe." I did as told and he pulled my pants and panties off in one pull he looks at me and smile. "Blimey Nikita your beautiful." "Draco." he smiled and kissed me and slowly moved his hand down and started to rub my cult first up and down then is a circle. "Oh Draco." he put a finger in inside me and stated rubbing the inside then he started pumping it in and out then he added another finger and it felt good. He pulled his fingers out and started licking around my entrance then without a warning he puts his tongue Inside me and I started moaned and then i started to breath heavily then he stopped and undressed him self and positioned him self my entrance. "You ready babe." "yes." he went in slow and it hurt at first then it got better and he went faster. "Oh Draco it feels so good." "come with me I'm about come." "me too." we both came at the same time and we moaned at the same time it sounded like we were screaming then he pulled out and laid by me and smirked. "That... Was... Amazing." "sure... Was... Babe." we cuddled then the spell was gone and we heard his mom calling us. "Yeah mom." "time for dinner." "we will be down there in a sec." she went off and we got dresses.

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