We got the egg!

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Me and Harry got the eggs I was with Draco Harry was with the others, mostly because Draco was kissing my all of the cuts and bruises iron my face. "Hahaha ok Draco stop." "I'm just making sure your ok." "I'm fine." "There's one place I didn't check." I turned to hi with a smile. "What that is." "You lips." He Kissed me and I kissed back. Then I pulled away and he grunts. "Oh come on you tease." "You want to see what this thing does or not." "Huh alright but you have kiss me after." "Whatever." I open the egg and it screams loudly I dropped it and covered my eyes and started to panic Draco saw the tears and shut it fast and hugged me. "Shhh it's ok it's closed." I put my hands around his neck and kissed his neck. "Mmmm Nikita." "Haha." He shivered and I pulled away with a smirk and he was pouting. "Did I send a chill down your spine." "Maybe." "Haha well it's getting late I better go." I kiss him then go to my dorm but I heard Draco. "Ugh you are such a tease." "I know I am." I ran to my dorm and saw Harry with the egg. "You know." "It's to loud for me." "I know." "We have to figure it out before the next task in a week." "Is know we will." I hugged him and went to bed the next morning I was ok the week was crazy mostly because the ball was coming up and we had to take a class. "This is rubbish." I heard Ron say then I threw a ball of paper at him. "Hey what was that for!" "For being a stupid git!" I was still pissed at him for what he said to me I looked and saw Draco talking to crab about something but I didn't really pay that much attention to it sine magonagl came in. "Ok welcome to dance class every one." "What a rubbish." "Ronald and Nikita can you step up please." I got up with my head high while Ron got up slowly. "Put you hand on her waist." "Where." "My waist just do it." He put his hand on my waist the them he took my other hand. "Now start the music and slow dance and I'll count." She said one then we started to dance I was looking at Draco who was upset then Ron said something. "I'm sorry for last week." "You had no right to say that, ow." "Sorry!" "Huh." "Look I know your mad at me but I didn't mean it." "Then why did, OW Ron!" I pulled away and sat down with my arms crossed. "Ok Weasley you may sit." He nodded and sat next to Harry. "Professor can I give it a try with Nikita." I looked up and saw Draco standing. "We'll Nikita." "Sure." He step down and did what Ron did and we started dancing. "Wow your really good Draco." "So are you, how's your foot." "Better than my feelings." "Huh." "Last week when Ron made me upset." "Oh when you slapped him." "Yeah he tried to say sorry but he kept stepping on my foot." "He was nervous." "Huh I just don't know what to say to him now." "Let him talk you." I smiled and he did too the. He started to lean in. "Ok class that's all for today." His face got really red and I kissed his cheek. "See you later I." "Hey aren't you coming to lunch." "Can't I need to figure out the egg I have two days." "Maybe I can help." "Cedric?" "Go to the tub on the third floor." "What." "Take Draco if you want." He winks at me and my face was red. "What was that about." "You up for a nice bath." "Huh." "Follow me." I grabbed his hand and led him to an empty corridor. "Meet me here an hour after everyone is in bed ok." "Ok but why." "You'll find out soon now I need to go." I kissed him and ran off to find Harry. "Harry!" He turned in shock. "Ron your forgiven but your on thin ice right now, and Harry you have until after lunch to go to the third floor bath." "Buts that's off limits." "Take your egg and go because I'll go tonight you will thank me later ok." I walked of before he could say anything he ran off and went to the bath. Later that night me and Draco snuck to the third floor bath with the egg. "Ok I'm not sure why where here." "Just get in." He striped kinda slowly when he took off his shirt I saw his abs and just looked at him. "You something you like." "Huh oh shut up." He pulls his pants down and I cover my eyes to be perlite. "You can open your eyes now." He was in the tub and his clothes in a pile. I started to take my clothes off I was in my bra and underwear then I saw him looking. "Can you look away please." He nodded and closed his eyes I pull my underclothes off and get in so my chest is covered up. I kissed him then pulled back and he opened his eyes. "So why are we in here?" "One for the egg, and two to relax with you." He smiled at me then he got the egg and tried to open it but I stopped him. "Wait, take a deep breath and put it under water." He nodded and did so I went under with him I covered my chest but he didn't cover up but I didn't mind. "Aw we can't sing above water so you will have to swim for an hour to get back what you have lost." It closed and we went back up I was coughing. "You ok." "Yeah, now what does it mean." "I don't know." He started to get up but I stopped him. "Hey we still need to relax remember " he smiled and kissed me and I kissed back I pulled away and kissed his neck. "MmmNikita that feels so good." "I know." I kissed his neck and went down his chest and he was breathing kinda heavy. "You losing your breath Draco." He didn't say anything just bit his lip and shook his head. "Haha." I went back to his neck and bit it and he moaned out loud and I laughed. "You can't hold it in could ya." "Grrr." He grabbed me and put me so I'm on him and he kissed my neck and I just moaned and he smiled on my neck then pulled away. "Your so beautiful Nikita." I kissed him again then we heard a noise. "We better go." We got out and emptied the tub and got dressed and ran to our house. "Man that was close." I walked to bed and laid down and the image of Draco and me came to my head and I was smiling.

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