end of the year.

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I was siting in the great hall I finished all of my testing early and I was reading then Draco came in and sat next to me. "Hi Draco." his shot up and surprise. "You have no idea how much I missed your beautiful voice." "I heard what you said." I put my book down and got up and kissed his cheek. "I love you too Draco but sadly Harry has my heart now." he looked at me in shock. "It's a long story, he was by my side when I was feeling low I'm sorry Darcy." I hugged him and his cheek and went to find Harry. I was waiting out of his class then he came out and he smiled at me. "Harry!" he kissed me then he grabbed my hand and we went to the great hall for dinner I was hugging his arm and talking to Harry and Hermione when my dad came up. "Dad?" "my I see you Nikita in private." "sure." I got up and went to my dad's office. "So?" "Nikita me and your mother are getting a divorce." I heard my heart shatter and I just backed up. "Nikita let me explain." I turned and ran out back to the great hall and Harry saw me and ran to me. "Hey what's wrong." "my parent's are getting a divorce." "I'm so sorry Nikita." he hugged me as I cried in his arms. "Harry I know you like me but we can't be together I just need time to myself." "I understand Nikita but when your ready me, Ron, or Malfoy will be here for you." "I know." he lifted my head and kissed me one last time then I left to get my  stuff together. "Huh I'm single again but for me this time." I got my stuff together just in time to get on the train. I was walking when I saw Draco. "Malfoy!" He turned and looked at me. "Hey Fulton." "Draco can we talk please." "Sure." "Let me out my stuff up then We can talk." He nodded and followed me to Ron and them. "Hey I'll be back." They nodded and I grabbed Draco's hand and pulled him with him me to an empty cart. "So what's up." "I'm not scared of you, I'm scared of losing you." He looked at me in shock. "That's why the bogget was me but I wasn't hurts." "You were angry couldn't you see it showed you after you said I hate you and I will never love you." A tear slipped from my eyes he hugged me. "Hey shhh I will never say that I care about you to much." "I broke up with Harry." "Am I the reason?" "No, my parents are getting a divorce and I need time to my self." "I'm sorry little snake." I grabbed the necklace I was wearing and he looked down and smiled. "You still got it." "Yell yeah, I never take it off." "That's good." I look up at him and he looks in my eyes and saw sadness in them. "Can I kiss you Nikita?" "Of course." He smiles and leans down and our lips lock and it was sweet just like the last one. He pulls away and smiles at me. "Sweet just like the last one." "Huh our dream is slowly coming true soon we will be together." "And I can't wait." I kiss him one last time then he walk out and he goes to Crab I looked and saw Pansy kiss Draco and I just stood there the he looked at me with a Nikita it's not what you think look and got up and looked at me. "Nikita it's not." "Are you dating her." "What no!" "Then why did she!" He cut me off with a kiss and I calmed down and wrapped my arms around his neck then he pulled away. "I like you not the pug face bitch." I smiled at him and glared at Pansy. "I better go I'll see you later." "Sure will." I kissed his cheek then went to Harry and them I laid my head on Harry's shoulder and he put his arm around me. "I thought you two broke up." .we did but that doesn't mean we can't cuddle as friends." "True, so what did Draco want." "I told him about the bogget." "What after this long!" "I was to scared to face him at first then me and Harry right after I just couldn't face him." "We get it so you guys cool again." "Sure are and me and Fred are great friends like before." I was talking when Jake ran in. "Little bug mom is moving!" I looked at him in shock unable to move or speak. "Where is she going Jake." "America, she wants me to go with her and Nikita too." "What no! I can't what about my friends!" "I'll talk to her when we get to the station but I want you with me and the twins." "Huh ok." I got my stuff and we to sit with my brother and the twins I just looked out the window trying to figure out what will happen at the station. "Hey we're here wake up." I slowly open my eyes to Draco and smile. "Hey." "Hi you fell asleep your brother told me to wake you." I yawned and got my stuff and put my head on Draco's shoulder and his arm went around my back. "Oh there she is." "Hi mom, please don't make me move please I love it here." Draco looked at me with wide eyes since he didn't know. "Huh I guess you two can stay but you guys stay with your friends ok and if you don't stay with the same people then write each other ok." "Ok mom we love you." Draco got a smirk and looked at me then my mom spoke. "Draco dear I'm sorry but she can't stay with you the moment because of her brother she will be with Harry but she can come after the first two weeks of summer ok." He nodded then kissed my head and said goodbye. "I'll write you until you come to stay ok." "Ok." He leaves to talk to his parents and he looked at me with a huge smile on his face and I knew why. "Ok let's find Harry." "He's over their, Harry!" He turns and his aunt and uncle had a fake smile on there stupid muggle faces. "Stupid muggles." "Nikita manners." "Sorry mom." We talked to his aunt and uncle and they said yes so I got to see Harry for a while so that's good. We went to my house to get everything. My dad still had the house so we only need clothes and a few other things and we were off Jake was with the Weasley's and I was with Harry. Not going to lie me and Harry shared a bed because he doesn't trust his cousin, we would make out a few times and it would get heated but we would stop before it went to far.

* two weeks later *

It's been two weeks and I couldn't wait to get out of Harry's house his family were revolting, his aunt would make me where a dress which I don't wear much and his uncle kept getting me to date Dudley ugh as if so I was all packed and ready to go even though me at Harry aren't dating I still kissed him good bye and told him I'll see him on the train to school since I was staying with the Malfoy's for the rest of the summer. I got off the train and walked until I got to his house " Malfoy manner the big house I ever seen then the door opened to a very excited Draco. "Your here!" He ran to me and spun me around with our lips locked and it was amazing. "Man I missed your lips Draco." "And I missed yours." He carried me in the house and we didn't know his parents were by the door until. "Ahem, Draco I know your excited to see your girlfriend but please." He put me down and our faces were beat red. "Huh now Nikita welcome to our home you are welcome to stay with us for as long as you like." "Oh thanks you so much." "Now can I trust you two the share a room since our guest room isn't ready yet." "Yes mom you can can trust us." "I'll be good and I'll keep him in line for ya."

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