He's a death eater but I still love him

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He hugged me back and the dark lord left I started crying even harder. "I'm sorry Nikita I just didn't want you to live with what I am now." "I don't care I never did but why did you do it." "To save you I love you to much to see you hurting." "But your going to get hurt and I couldn't live with myself if you got hurt." "And it's the same for me." I didn't care that his parents were looking at us I pulled him down and kissed him with passion and he kissed me back with a same passion. "Ahem." We pulled away and his father was not happy and his mom was smiling at me and had tears in her eyes for Draco. "I'm sorry mr Malfoy but I had to I'll just go home." "What no stay please I need you here." "You can stay I'm sorry you had to see that Nikita." "We both are dear." "Huh it's ok I would of found out in time but no matter what I will still love him." His mom smiled so did his dad I think it was because he was just like him now. "We will be upstairs talking." I pulled Draco to his room and he just cried the second the door shut. "I'm so sorry Nikita I know a death eater killed your father but." I kissed him to calm him down. "I don't care about that yes a death eater killed my dad but you mean so much more then anything I have." "But I'm a monster now." "No your not Draco Malfoy you are a loveable human being and I love you." "I love you too." He kissed me and I kissed him back he put his arms around my waist and my arms went around his neck. We pulled away and I pulled him to his bed and laid down next to him and rest my head on his chest and listened to his breathing. "Nikita." "Yes Draco." I looked at him but he kept looking at the ceiling. "If I end up killing anyone or anything will you still love me?" "Of course I will Draco." He smiled and kissed me. "I love you Nikita." "I love you too Draco." He pulled me closer and we both drifted off to sleep smiling. The next morning I woke up to Draco smiling at me. "Hello beautiful." "Hello handsome." "You sleep well." "Yes I did and you." "Like a baby." He kissed me and I kissed back my hands found there way to his beautiful blond hair and he's hand want to my hips and he started to rubbing my hips then there was a knock at the door. "Nikita, Draco time for breakfast." "Coming mom." He looked at me and smiled and then kissed me one last time. "Man I wish we could just stay here." "I know me too." He got up then pulled me up then we walked down to the dining room and ate breakfast. Then Out of the blue my mother runs in. "Mom what are you doing here." "It's Jackson he's been hurt." "What!" "We need to go now Nikita now." I froze because my mom always calls me dear or sweetheart even in bad situations. "Let me go your not my mother and your covered in ash and she's a muggle so who are you and what have you done to my mother." "Hahahahahha I killed her just like you father." "Bellatrix Lestrang!" "You killed her father why." "Many reasons my dear nephew." "He left you for my mother and you were angry." "You no good HALF BLOOD." My eyes widened in fear then Draco got in front of me. "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH HER!" "Draco move she is the last one to kill to for filling my revenge." "She's my girlfriend you twit so back off." "Your WHAT!" "Bellatrix Lestrange calm down she is insistent she had nothing to do with him." "She has hre." "I have my fathers last name." She lowered her wand and she just looked at me. "Huh I'm sorry." "My cousin is he ok." "Yes he's fine I only said that so I could kill you." "Huh." Draco was still in front of me. "My mom is really gone." "Oh no she's still alive too she's just... being held prisoner." "Where and by who." "I can't tell you where but by the dark lord I don't know why." I looked at her then Draco turned around and looked at me then I ran out of the house and ran until I couldn't run anymore. I was lost so I sat down and cried which was a bad idea. "Well well she took the bate." I looked and turned to see a death eater. "Who are you." "Morgal I'm here to kill you." "Why?" "Dark lords orders." I got up and ran back the way I came I saw Malfoy manner the I saw Draco sitting on the steps. "DRACO HELP ME PLEASE HELP." He looked up then ran to me and pushed me behind him with his wand out. "Morgal don't do this she is insistent I know why he's doing this because of her mother but she can't die please don't kill her I love her." "But." "If you kill her I will never do whatever the dark lord tells me and I get myself killed just to be with her." "Huh fine." He walked off and then I got dizzy. "Draco..." he turned just in time to catch me and carry me inside." "Your ok Nikita your ok."

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