A date with fred! oh boy.

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It was Saturday and I had a date with Fred wow I'm so scared and excited at the same time we will be together all day. "Hey Nikita you ready for your date." I looked up to see a smirking Hermione. "Huh yep but I'm so nervous I've never been on a date before." "Just stay calm and be your self ok." "Ok I'm ready." Hermione took my hand and pulled me out the middle of the stairs and I could see Fred and Gorge talking so Hermione let go and went to the bottom then Fred's attention went to her. "I give you your date." I walked down slowly in a casual dress and Fred was smiling then He walked up to me with a smile. "Wow you look great, not that you ever look great it's just you look... I'm screwing this up already." "Hahaha you fine Fred and you look great too." His face goes red because we were so close to each other's faces. "Um we should go." "Yeah." He holds out his hand and I take it and he guides me to the lake and there is a picnic. "Wow this is so beautiful." "Not as much as you Nikita." My face turns red then I sit sand he sits next to me. "Wow the water is so clear it looks like stars with the sun sighing on it." "Hahaha you got some mind." "Will I do have a wonderful mind." "Yeah but it can also get you in harm." "What does that mean Weasley." "It means if your not careful you could get hurt by that snake Malfoy!" I looked at him in shock and he looked up at me and I had tears in my eyes. "Oh on Nikita I'm sorry please don't cry." "Why should I listen to you all you care about is seeing me upset I should of said no to you." I got up and ran back the school I ran pass Draco and he ran after me and grabbed my hand. "Nikita what's wrong." I turned and just hugged him and cried on his shoulder. "Shhh tell me what happened." "Fred just yelled at me for no reason we were fine then he took a drink of his water and he just got angry." "Oh no." I slowly pulled back and let him go. "What did you do Malfoy." "Crab put an anger potion in his drink I tried to stop him really." "You did this because I was going on a date with him how could you Malfoy." "Nikita I'm sorry please forgive me." "Leave me alone you no good snake." I had tears in my eyes because it killed me to call him that and it hurt him to see me so upset but I was to pissed to care. I walked off then I stopped and turned to him. "Oh and Malfoy the date is off." I ran to my common room and cried then Hermione came down and saw me. "Nikita what happened." "Boys are nothing but stupid pigs and evil snakes." "What." I told her what happened and she was upset at Fred but it wasn't his fault but she was pissed at Draco for what he did. There was a knock on the door but I just laid down on the couch and cried so Hermione went to the door." "What do you want you snake." "Is she ok, I tried to stop them really I did." "Go away she doesn't want to see you." "Well then giver her this please, I was saving it for her birthday but she needs it now." "Whatever now go." She slammed the door and walked on with a present wrapped in my favourite colour. "Ugh green what a Slytherin." "Hey I love green thank you." "Oh I'm sorry." "What is it." "A gift that was for your birthday next week." "Give it." She handed it to me and I opened the box, it was a snake necklace I picked it up and put the snake on my finger and then it started to move around my finger and up my hand. "Wow it's beautiful." "It will keep you safe, put it on." I nodded and the snake went back to the chain and I put the necklace on and I started smiling. "Sorry your date was ruined." "It's fine I'll make it up to him some how."

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