Hermione finds out your secret

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You were sitting on the couch early in the morning Draco was still sleeping since he had a rough night with pansy begging him to go back to her but he just told her to disappear and I started laughing and she heard me then Draco stood in front of me and told her to back off then she left crying. You were reading your muggle book when Draco came down in his robs and tired. "Hey Nikita." "Draco why aren't you in bed you had a long night." "couldn't sleep anymore so I just got up." "well your hair is a mess." you got up and fixed his hair and then the painting came and told me that Hermione was here to talk to me. "Ok thank you." "awe do you have to go I just got here." "sadly yes she can come in here you know so I have to so I'm going to get my stuff." I hugged him and went to get my stuff and walked out. "What up." "I know you and Draco are friend's again and don't worry the boy's don't know yet." "you can't say anything to them they will make me stay away from him and I went through hell with out him I cried my self to sleep for a month remember." "I won't but why didn't you tell me you know I ship you and Draco." "one shut up and two I don't know I was just scared you would hate me for talking to him again." "I would never hate you now let's go to the great hall for breakfast." we started walking then pansy showed up. "What." "you are so dead for laughing at me." "go away pug face." she slapped me and Hermione got in front of me but she pulled her away then got out her wand. "Now your going to pay." she held her wand out and said the counter cures spell and I fell to the floor. "Ahhhhhh." she said it again." "ahhhh please... Stop." "NO you hurt me so now I'm going to hurt you." she hit me with the spell again. "Ahhhhhh." Ron came and tackled her and Harry and Hermione ran to my side I was twitching and crying trying to fight to curse. "Nikita." "Harry she needs to go to the hospital." he nodded and crossed my arm's over my chest him and Ron picked me up and carried me to the hospital wing we past Draco and he just stopped and looked at me and Hermione grabbed his arm and pulled him to a empty corridor. "What happened to her." "pansy happened." "she did that, wait you know were talking again." "yes I found one night because when she stayed at the Gryffindor house she sneak out to the lake and I saw you by a tree." "that was when we weren't talking she cried there all the time before we started talking again." "well I did see you two talking in the forest and you carrying her when she was crying so that was a big hint." "huh so your going to tell me to stay away aren't you." "I'm not! Just don't let Ron and Harry see you two talking or they will kill you." "got it, will she be ok." "not sure but I have to wait until lunch to see her so I better get going." "thanks Grainger.""don't thank me just be there for Nikita she needs you now more then ever." "i will." "Draco..."

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