Third year and heartbroken

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"Huh." It's been four weeks since the brake up and it still hurts, the whole gang knows and they sent me stuff to cheer me up Harry and Draco sent me flowers and chocolates which helped some but but not much I went downstairs in my baggy pants and a shirt Draco sent me which was also baggy. "Aww sweetie you still heartbroken." "Yeah it still hurts like the day it happened." "Aww dear you'll be ok hey you get to see Draco and Harry that's neat huh." "Yeah I guess." An hour later I went to put my robs on and put my baggy pants and Draco's shirt in my trunk for my night clothes. Then we left to the leaky cauldron with my new books and stuff I saw Harry and ran to him. "Oh thank goodness your here, your lucky you weren't expelled." "I didn't mean to she was talking about my mother so I had to." "Huh I'm just glad your ok." "Me too." I hugged him again then kissed his cheek then we meet with the Weasley's I ovoid Fred and I talked to Hermione and Ginny the whole time and I was hoping to see Draco but I didn't. The next day we were off to Hogwarts and the ride was dreadful. "Huh why out of all people would Pansy date blaze he's so not her type besides she's only trying to get Draco jealous." "Did someone say my name." "Dracy." I got up and jumped into Draco's arms and he laughed and hugged me back. "I missed you so much Slytherin king." "And I missed you too little snake." "Oh hello Draco have you meet my boyfriend Blaze." "Well yeah there friends pug face." "Who asked you Fulton." "Hey leave my girlfriend alone." My face hot red Harry and the others mouths were open and pansy was in plane shock. "Oh grrrr." She turns pulling a very unhappy blaze with her. I closed the door so the others couldn't hear and moved so they can't see neither. "Sorry about that she is on my nerves." "Mine too and girlfriend huh." "Well yeah your amazing." "Thanks Draco and I would love to date you but I'm not really ready yet." "I understand and I'll wait for you. It can you at least act around pansy just to bug her." "Sure." He smiled and kissed my cheek then went to find Crab and Goyle then I went to the others and I was attacked my a lot of what's. "guys guys were just friends he only said that to get pansy to go away." "Do you still love Fred." "Well yeah I always will and I also love Draco but I'm waiting to go out with him." "You need to talk to Fred he is a reck." "Hello to you too Gorge." "Nikita please." "Where is he." "Looking for Malfoy." "Oh no." I got up and ran towards Draco's cart and saw the door open and screaming. "Oh god now what." I ran and saw pansy yelling at Draco? "What do you want." "I'm looking for Fred." "He hasn't came by why." "He's looking for you and I'm not sure why." "Oh well maybe he's walking around." "Thanks and pansy leave my boyfriend alone got it." Draco was smirking and Gorge was in shock. I pulled him away and explained everything and told him not to say a thing to Fred. "There you are bro." "Freddy you ok." "Huh I miss you Nikita please come back to me please." "Huh I'm sorry Fred but I can't." "Why because of the plan with Draco." "How did you." "I heard you, please." "I need time to think." "And talk." "Fred." "Ok ok I'm sorry but please don't take long." "Huh I won't." I left a d walked towards my cart then I saw Draco come out of his stressed out. "Hey just the guy was looking for." "Hey what's up." I told him everything and he said he was going to help me figure it out. "But how he is a mess." "Well I'm not sure yet but we'll figure it out together." I smiled a d peaked his lips then Pansy came out. "Pansy is behind you so kiss me." He nodded lightly and pulled me closer and kissed me then Pansy just screamed and stormed off. We pulled away and I was smiling. "Well that worked huh." "Sure did, well I better get back." "Me too, see you at school little snake." "You too Slytherin king." We went our separate ways and I told the others and they knew it was hard on me with the break up and Draco but I didn't want to hurt anyone so I said. "I need to keep my distance from those two love sick boys and figure this out." "Well how on earth are you going to do,that! You and Draco are in every class and you and Fred share the same house." "You guys are with me too so I can be with you guys even in the dorms." "Alright but if it blows up in your face don't come crying to us." "Oh you brat."  I hugged Ron because I knew he was just kidding because he was helping. We got to school and the first thing that happened was Draco running to me and grabbing my hand since Pansy was behind him then he kissed my cheek. Once Pansy was gone I let go of his hand and walked off. "What Nikita what was that." "Malfoy I'm in a bit of a hurry now good bye see you later." Which was a small lie I ran to Harry and sat down next to him and Ron, Freddy looked hurt my I had to do this to see how I love more. "Hey Nikita why aren't you sitting next to us." "You guys saw me all summer Harry and Hermione didn't so it's only fair Gorge." "Oh alright." We ate dinner then it was off to bed I put my baggy pants and Draco's shirt on and went straight to sleep. "Huh what a day."

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