Day one of fixing the cubered

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I woke early since I didn't have my rods and went I got up I woke up Draco. "Sorry I didn't mean to wake you." "It's ok so what you doing." "Going to my house to change into my robes." "Oh ok I'll see you in positions then." "Sure will." I kissed him goodbye and I was heading back to my dorm the painting was still asleep. "Ahem." She woke up and smiled." "Nikita dear where have you been." "With Draco I got permission." "Oh well can I have the password." "Patuna Mager." "You may go." I walked in and saw Harry and Ron up when they saw me they ran to me." "Let's see it then." "Yeah come on let's see the horrible thing." I showed them my mark and they couldn't believe it. "Whoa." "I know, well why are you up." "We were looking for you last night and Hermione had cow when we told her we didn't find you." "I was with Draco I stayed with him last night." "You were in his laire." "Oh hush now." "What was his dorm bedroom like." "Same as our but they don't have to share and it's green." "What no fair why don't they get roommates." "Who knows and don't go telling people they don't need the shade mostly Draco." "Oh he should he's the reason your a-." "Are you trying to get me to be a out cast in here and I was my choice not his I only did it to save my mother so piss off Weasley!" He just looked at me with shock so did Harry. "Huh I'm sorry Ron I'm just really stressed out with the dark lord being back and the waiting to be called to him and stuff it's hard." "I'm sorry too I didn't mean to upset you." "Nikita Fulton where have you been all night I was worried sick about you." "I was with Draco." "How." "I got permission to be with him last night." "You could of told use." "Well I'm sorry it was a last minute thing he needed me." "For what to f-." "Don't say it and no he was out of it last night with everything going on." "Huh ok I'm sorry." "Thank you now I need to change." I ran to my room and sat on my bed and remembered last night and I could sill feel the sensation. "Oh boy." I got up and changed into my school robes and meet with the others in the commander room. "Ok I'm ready." "Finally." I hit Harry with a book and he just laughed then threw his arm around me. "You are so weird Potter." "So are you Fulton." I pushed him and he grabbed me and carried me into positions since me, him and Ron didn't have it and Hermione already left. "Ahhahaha put me down." "Ok." "Ahh ouch." Draco walked up to me with an extra book for me then helped me up. "Sorry professor." "Oh it's quite alright now Boys get out your books." "They haven't gotten them yet sir." "Oh well get one from the cubered." They walk over and looked then they start fighting then Ron got a new book while Harry got a bad one. "Haha." Draco looked at me and whispered in his ear. "Ron and Harry were fighting over a book." He chuckles then put his arm around me as we're told how to do our lessons then we were sent off I went to Harry and saw his book. "Half blood prince?" He just shrugged and did what his book told him and I did the same I followed his book more then mine. "Wow this is the first there both perfect you two will have to share it." "We don't mind." He gave it to Harry and he had the book behind his back, class was over and Draco ran up to me and kissed my cheek. "You are brilliant you know that." "I know." "How did you two do it." "We just followed our books." He smiled and kissed me again. "Nikita may I see you in my office." "Yes sir." I kissed Draco then went into my dads office. "What's up dad." He ran to me and pushed me into a desk and it hurt. "Ahh dad." "You are supposed to be helping him not sleeping with him." "Dad will you calm down I am helping him." "No your fucking him at night." He grabbed my arm and squeezed it. "Ahhh dad your hurting me." "You can't screw this up you understand me girl." "Let go." "Do you understand me." I pulled my arm from his grip and grabbed my stuff. "Your fucking crazy." I had tears in my eyes I ran out not even seeing Draco I ran to an empty corridor and cried. "Hey what's wrong." I lifted up my sleeve to see a bruise on my arm from him. "My dad is crazy." "He did that to you." "Yes." He kissed the bruise then he kissed my lips. "I'm so sorry love." "Yeah me too." He held me up and we went to class and I was quiet the whole time so was Draco. "Nikita can you tell me what spell you use to take someone Down." "Avora kodavra." "Yes that's one what the other. "Expeleomus." "Correct." I got looks from people because they know talking about death spells kill me. "Ok class you may go." We got up and Draco walked over to me and we walked out. "Man out of all of the questions she had to ask me that." "I'm sorry Nikita." yeah me too Draco." "we got to go the room." "I have to meet Harry I'm sorry for potions." "Oh." "I'm sorry I'll come to help you as soon as I can." "I get it now make sure you help me." "will you stay there for awhile." "I will." I kissed him and ran to the dorm. "You got it." "yeah you got yours." "sure do." I looked at the book and wrote it in mine it took an hour and half to write everything down. "I got to go I'll back." "where you going." "my dad needs to see me." I walked out and went to find Draco working hard. "You look sexy." he turned and saw me and smiled at me. "You like the view." "sure do." he got up and kissed me. "You ready to get work." "sure am baby." we started to work on the sides first and slowly moved the the front.

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