last day 5th year

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We were back at the school the rules were gone but I couldn't face Draco. "Hey Nikita there are." "Draco I'm sorry." "what." "your dad and aunt I fought your dad and almost killed. Your aunt." "what." "Your dad tried to kill me and your aunt killed Sirius." "hey look at me." he lifted my head and I had tears in my eye's. "Shhh don't cry, you did what you had to do and I'm proud of you." "you do know that I might not be aloud back at your house right." "you will I'll make sure of it." he kisses me then all over face because of the cuts and he missed me. "Hahah ok I'm feeling better." "good now you hungry." "a bit." we walked to the mess hall and he kissed me then went to his table and I went to mine but Harry wasn't there. "He's not eating." "no he's to upset." "huh I feel so bad for him he lost his last caring family." "he will be ok." "huh I hope so." We went to the train and still no Harry he finally got on and sat with us but he had red eyes."Harry." I got up and hugged him he started crying again. "Harry look at me." "What." "We both lost him he was like a father to me and you I miss him two and I lost Cedric last year we both lost people in two years but we can pull through this." He looked at me then kissed me out of nowhere I kissed back for a second then pulled back. "I'm sorry I just wanted to relive a memory I showed the dark lord,and sorry Malfoy." I turned to him and he was just looking at me. "Draco." "Can we talk." I was upset ad he saw it. "It's not bad I promise." I got up and he pulled me to an empty cart he closed the door and I sat down then he pushed me down on the seat and climbed on top of me. "Wow Draco." "I'm not mad he kissed you or mad you kissed back but your lips belong to me and the rest of you." "Hhaha I'm sorry I was bad girl Draco." I pulled him down to kiss me but he moved. "Draco please I'm sorry please kiss me." "How bad do you want my kisses." I put my hand in between his legs right on his small bump. "Um your getting excited Draco I can feel it." "Oh Nikita." I started rubbing him through his pants and he attacked my lips to keep from moaning to loud. "Mmmm." I lifted my head and let him attack my neck and I was still rubbing him and he got bigger. "Oh Draco your kisses feel so good." He lifted his head and looked at me."your hands feel so good." I rubbed him one last time then stopped and he growled. "Oh come on." "We can't do iron on the train dummy and if your parents let me we can finish this at your place." "Perfect." He kissed me and lowered his hips a bit the he got up. "We better get back to our carts." "Yeah your right." I kissed him and put my hand downs there one last time and he smirked in the kiss then we pulled away. "Mom you are something." "Yeah tease." I pecked his lips and walked back to my cart with a smirk on my face and the others talking To Harry. "You feeling better." "Yeah thanks and how are you and Draco." "Perfect." The train ride was nice and happy. When we got to the station Draco was standing at the door waiting for me. "Ready." "Sure am." I took his hand and walked off the train with him his dad was all beat up because Harry hit him a few times after he chased me but his parents tell me stay with them. "Again I'm really sorry luscious." "It's alright I tried to kill you and your friends you were defending your self." He nodded and we went to there home. "Huh it just feels good to relax and chill with my boyfriend since we couldn't in school." "Yeah it does feel nice just to cuddle." I looked at him and kissed him then he pushes down on the bed and kissed me with passion. "Draco dear... oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." "Oh mom your fine we were just relaxing." "Oh well you better come Downstairs, Nikita you need to stay here." "Why?" "Do you want her to be safe." His eyes went wide then he turned to me and kissed me with as much passion he had. "I'll be back stay quiet." I nodded and sat on the bed and played with my thumbs then the door bursted open to a big tall death eater. "Hum he will be happy to see you." "No let's me go you big dummy." He threw me over his shoulder and I was trying to brake free. We got downstairs and I was still hitting the guy. "I said put me down you big giant monkey." He threw me on my ass. "Ow you no good little." Draco grabbed me by the arms and turned me to face him and he had tears in his eyes. "Draco baby what's wrong." I put my ha d on his cheek to wipe away his tears then I heard his voice. "Hello my dear." "Lord votermot." "I love how brave you are to say my name." "Why you here what do you want." "I already got him." He looked at Draco I turned to him and he had his head down. "Draco?" "I'm sorry Nikita I had no choice." He pulled up his and showed me the mark, he looked at me with tears in his eyes. "Oh Draco." I ran to him and hugged him he hugged back crying even harder then before. "You got whatever you wanted then why are you still here." "To see the look on your face and sadly I'm not pleased you still love even though he's something you hate." "I will still love no matter what I won't leave him when he needs me the most." "We'll see about that." And with that he left and Draco ran upstairs and I ran I after him. That night me and him stayed up in his room we even had some fun in bed after I did apologise to his mother for braking my promise but she forgave me.

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