First day of hogwarst

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"Wow what a dream." "Nikita come on get up so mum and dad can go get your stuff let's go." "Coming." I jumped out of bed and put on my favourite pair of jeans and green shirt. "Hey bub when you first started school at Hogwarts did you have a dream about your 5th year being in love then fighting a war then marry someone you loved after thirteen years." "What no why did you have a dream like that." "Yeah it's weird right." "No dear that's how I met your father because of a dream like yours but there was no war I wonder what that means." "It means she's nervous mom and if you see the boy you married or something just keep your distance until they come to you ok." "Ok thanks Jake." "No problem now let's go I want to see my friends." "Ok ok." We went to Digon Ally and I was amazed by the place. "Wow this place is so cool." "Sure is, now dear you go get your wand and your pet while me your brother go get your books ok." "Ok mum." She handed me some pounds and I went to the wand shop. "Hello is anyone here I'm looking for a wand." "Well you came to the right place drear." The man came out of nowhere I jumped back a bit. "Now let me see ah here try this one." I took the wand and I broke a vase. "Nope nope." He went to the back and came back with the wand I saw in my dream but there's no way it would be mine would it? "Let's try this one." The second I touched it there was a light and I smiled. "This is the one." "Strange." "What." "Another's wand had the same core but you'll be fine dear." I looked at the wand then payed for it then I want to get an owl just in case I make some friends. "Nikita there you are oh you got an owl, but in your dream didn't you have a cat." "Yes but is there something wrong with changing the dream a bit." "No I did the same and still oh your father." "I wish he could be here to help." "Yes but he's working now come on it's time to go." "Where's Jake." "We're going to his friends house for dinner there waiting for us let's go." "Ok." We started walking then I saw Jake talking to twins and they were cute same for their brother. "Jake." I ran to him and he smiled and hugged me. "Hey there you are sis I was wondering where you were." "I got an owl and he's white and brown." "Oh cool, Nikita I want you to meet Fred, Gorge, Ron, Ginny, and Molly Weasley." "Hi." "Hey and Jake you never said your sister was beautiful." My face got red and I looked at the ground. "Thanks Fred." "Your welcome." "So your first year to huh." "Yeah it is and I'm excited and nervous at the same time." "Me too." "Ok little bug let's go." "Coming." We all walked to a car and got in, we drove to this really nice house. "Wow." "You like it huh." "It's beautiful." We had dinner then we went home to get some sleep because tomorrow I go to Hogwarts.

*The next morning*

"Little bug time to get up you don't want to miss the train." "I'm already up." He jumped and turned around and smiled. "You better run since you scared me." "Ahhh hahaha." I slipped down on the stairs railing the ran to the kitchen around mummy. "Ok ok that's enough time to eat then we head to the station." "Ok mummy." I ate bouncing in my chair. "For a thirteen year old Your hipper." "I want to see Ron and the twins I see why your friends with them." "They want to be you too but you need to eat first ok not sit still for five minutes." "Oh ok." I stopped bouncing and ate then It was Time to go to the station. "Weasley's." "Nikita." The twins said at the same time. "Ugh we missed you." "Guys you just meet her yesterday." "Yeah but she's cool." "Hi Ron." "Hi Nikita." I hugged Ron when I pulled back he was red. "Aww someone has a crush." "Shut up Gorge." "Ok kids let's go we don't want to miss the train." We walked until we got to a wall. "Ok Fred your next." "He's not Fred I am." "Really and you call your self out mother." "Oh sorry Gorge." He walked to the wall and look at molly. "I'm only joking I am Fred." Him and Gorge ran through the wall then Jake before I could run in a boy with glasses came up. "Excuse me, how do you um." "Oh how do you get on to the platform it's alright it's Ron's and Nikita's first year as well, all you do is go straight through the wall between 9&10 is better if you run." He runs in then me and Ron. "Wow Ron look." "Wow it's bloody brilliant." "Sure is." "Hey Nikita come on." We saw Fred and Gorge and went up to them. "We have to go sit somewhere else so we will see you at school ok but we will check on you ok." "Ok thanks Fred see you later." "See ya." Me and Ron walked until we saw the boy with the glasses. "Hello." "Hi." "Can we sit everywhere else is full." Ron asked "Oh sure, I'm Harry Potter." "I'm Ron and this is Nikita." "Hi nice to meet you Harry." "You too Nikita." We were talking and eating candy when a girl with big wavy hair came. "Have you see a toad a boy named Naval lost one, oh are you doing magic let's see then." "Sun flower daisies parent and mellow turn this stupid rat yellow." The box flew off his head but he never changes colour. "Are you sure that a real spell." She pulled out her wand and fixed Harry's glasses. "Oh my god your Harry Potter I'm Hermione Granger, and you two are?" "Nikita Fulton." "Hi." "RonaldWeasley." He spoke with food in his mouth. "Pleaser well you better put on your robs we'll be there soon see you guys later." She walked out then the boys looked at me. "I can step out if you like I have my outfit on under my clothes." "Oh no your fine." I pulled off my top clothes and sat back down and watched the boys change Ron fell down pulling up his pants. "Hahaha you ok Ron." "Yeah I'm fine." I helped him up and then we stopped and went out to meet a giant. "Wow." "Hi hagret." "Hello Harry."

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