Summer with draco and falling in love

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I woke up to an empty bed and at 11:00 in the morning. "Ugh I slept in." I slowly got out of bed and put on my blue jeans on and one of Draco's shirts since I couldn't fine mine and went downstairs to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. "Is that Draco's shirt." "Huh oh yeah I couldn't find mine so I just grabbed his." "Oh so what did you two do last night you were up pretty late." "It's not want you think I would never do that under your roof or when your home." "Why thanks you dear now why were you up late." "We were talking about how school will be next year and if I should go see Ron and his family." "Oh well are you." "I want to but he wants me to stay." "And I told you I'm not going to make you stay here if you don't want to, is that my shirt?" "I know and I can't find mine." "Oh there being washed." I looked at him with a really look and he laughed at me. "Nikita if you want to go you can go we don't mind." "Can I use your flooping powder." "Of course dear now go get ready ok." I nodded and went to Draco's room with him close behind. "You know if your going to wash my clothes tell me first." "You were asleep and I wasn't going to wake you." He hugs me from behind and kisses my neck. "Draco you know we can't." He laughed on my neck and it sent a shiver down my spine and I hitched my breath. "Hugh." "Did you just lose your breath." He smirks on my neck and kisses me again. "N-No now if you could please go get my makeup bag please." He lifted his head and sat on the bed with a look I came to learn was the. "You don't need that stuff your beautiful without it." "I know you tell me every time you see me with makeup but Ginny wants me to do her make up." "Huh fine." He turns my head and kisses me and goes to the bathroom and walked back in. "Don't you think it's weird we kiss a lot even though we're not dating." "Kinda but it feels so right." "True." I started to grab one of my shirts to change but Draco stopped me. "You can keep my shirt I don't mind." "Ok but I don't want to get it dirty now do it." "Just put a jacket over it you look good in my shirt." "Huh." He kissed me then I left. "Oh Draco I'll see you at the big game before school." "Sure will." He waves goodbye then I said Ron's address and I was there. "Hey Ron!" "Bloody hell Nikita." "Haha." Ginny, the twins and Harry? Ran down the stairs. "Hey guys." "Nikita!" Ginny ran to me so did the twin and Harry when I got to Harry he kissed my cheek. "Harry you two are over so stop kissing her." "Aww Fred you jealous." "No." He was lying so I kissed his cheek along with Gorge and Ron. "Awe thanks Nikita." "Your welcome." We went up to Ginny's room and I did her makeup and she looked so beautiful. "Wow Ginny dear you look gorgeous." "Thanks mom." I took my jacket off and Ginny said. "Is that Draco's shirt?" "Oh yeah before I left my clothes were getting washed so he gave me his." "Oh so you two a thing yet." "No but we act like it." "Hahaha."  For the next three weeks Draco sent me letter after letter one kept saying he misses me and he can't sleep by himself anymore with out rereading my letters. I woke up early on the day of the game and put my green pants and Draco's shirt on and went to get breakfast fast then I heard a loving voice from Hermione. "Come on Ron your mother had breakfast ready." I popped my head in and he was covered up I went to Harry and hugged him after Hermione of course then I went to Ron and whispered. "If you want to kiss me you have to get up Ronald Weasley." I stepped back just in time to see him jump up and smiling. "So now." "If you want it you got to get me first." Harry and Hermione know I do this to get him up he runs after me he grabbed my waist the second I was in the kitchen and he kissed my neck from behind. "Ugh Ron you always do that." He laughed before pulling away and kissed my cheek. "Ugh I have to many guys kissing me now." They laugh and let me sit next to Ginny and Ron, we and Ginny were talking about the game then it was time to go. "Huh why do we have to walk." "I can carry you." "I'm good but thanks." We saw a man so we stopped then Cedric jumped down from the tree. "Cedric!" I ran to him and hugged him. "Hey how's my favourite cousin doing." "I'm good." "That's good you still with Harry or you with Malfoy." "I'm single I guess but me and Malfoy kiss a lot." "Hahaha he is so in to you." "You think." He started laughing then we grabbed the port key and we were off everyone landed on there faces but me Cedric and Ron's dad. "Haha rough landing Ronald." "Yeah." Cedric helped Harry and we got to our tent and it was beautiful. "I love magic." "Me too Harry." We got our stuff to our rooms and got some food before the game me and Ginny went to hangout in my room an hour before we left to game I did her make  up and she loved it. "Here Nikita let me do yours." "Oh no thanks I'm not in a makeup mood." "Is it because of Draco." "No he not really he does say I look better without makeup but I just don't want to put any on." "That's ok." We started putting my makeup up away and went outside with the others.

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