the last task

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"I'm scared out of my mind." "Nikita you will do great me and Harry will be there." "huh I'm just not ready." "we can train." I looked at Cedric and grabbed his hand. "So why am I here." "you two are here to help me train for the last task." "oh ok." we set up the Field kinda like the maze. "You ready, go!" we ran around I was able to get through and back when I was done I saw a sweet hot ass boyfriend with water. "Hey there's my champion." "please tell me that's mine." "what this... No this is mine." he took a drink and laughed after and gave it to me. "Oh thank you." he watched me drink. "Man you sure are working hard." "yeah the last task is in two days."  I looked at Draco and saw he was checking me out. "You know you can stop anytime." "you look good." "and sweaty." he laughed then I turned to him and his eye's got big. "Come here." "NO!" he ran to the Field and I ran after him I was a bit faster I grabbed him and he stopped then I tuned him around and pulled his rob off. "Um ok." I jumped in his arm's and he smiled forgetting I'm covered in sweat. "Hey baby." "hey champion, you might be sweaty but I love you." I kissed him and he kissed back. The day went on with training and Draco kissing me. The next two day were the same way the day of the task I was making out with Draco for an hour. "I want to stay here." "but you got to go." he walks me to the Field then I went to the entries. "Ok you ready." I nodded my head and looked for Draco he was by crab and smiling at me. "Ok Nikita, Harry, and Cedric will go in at the same time." I went to my entries and waited. "On the cannon go, one." (boom) we went in and the doors closed. "No." i ran until I ran into Harry literally. "Harry, I'm sorry." "it's ok." we went on until Victor came and tried to kill us. "No he's bewitched." we all ran until me and Cedric were stuck. "Harry help us." he hesitated at first then saved us. "Oh you son of a bitch, wait until Draco finds out you almost let his girlfriend die." "I'm sorry." we ran to The cup we all touched it and it was a port key. "Wow it's a port key." all of a sudden Harry was in pain "Nikita hide." "kill the spaire." "adva kadava." "CEDRIC NO!" I ran to his body. "Leave her." i saw Harry traped and I just cried. "A willing sacrifice." he cut mine and Harry's arm. "Ahhh." "Nikita!" he dropped a body in the potion and I got scared. He was back. "HARRY." "stay there." I watched him walk about and death eaters appear he took there mask off yelling at them then one spoke it was Draco's dad. Then he went to Cedric. "No don't touch him." I ran to him after Harry said something. "Ah Harry, Nikita I almost forgot." he let Harry down and told us to bow, i did then shot a fire but he blocked it. "Your fast." "you killed my cousin you son of a bitch." he fired but I blocked it. "Now, adva kadava." me and Harry fired back we saw things then Cedric told us to take his body back. "Let go honey your ready both of you let go." we let go got to Cedric's body and went back. The crowed went crazy but Harry was on his knees but I was over Cedric. "No NO PLEASE." "ahhhhhh." "keep everyone in there seats the boy has been killed." i was hugging his body crying then Draco ran down to me. "Get off me she's my girlfriend she needs me." "get back Draco." "NO THAT'S MY BOY." "I'm sorry I couldn't save him It was to late I'm sorry." "he told us to bring his body back." "we couldn't just leave him." we got picked up by mad eye. "No let me go I need Draco please." "let's go."  we were taken to his office and he started asking questions and he pushed on our cuts. "What was he like the dark lord." "he was cold." "and the grave yard were there other's." "we never said anything about a grave yard sir." he started shaking then the door opened. "Are you mad eye moody." "no." he was shaking then he changed to the minister's son. "You! But why!" "he's back you know he is." I started crying then he looked at the chest." "Harry, Nikita get away from there." they opened it and mad eye was in there. "Mad eye you ok." "Yes I'm fine." we were taken to our dorms I didn't sleep at all I kept seeing the attach. The next morning I didn't eat and Draco was waiting for me I finally walked out and saw Draco sitting and waiting. "Draco!" "Nikita! I'm so sorry." i started crying and again and he hugged me. "I watched him die I can't get it out of my head." "I know I'm here." he hugged me and we talked all day I even sat with him in a empty cart with him so I don't have to think about it. "Can I stay with you." "of course babe." I cuddled up closer to him. "I love you so much." "I love you too." we got to the station and I told the other's I was staying with Draco and they were ok with it. "I'm sorry Nikita." "I'm staying for Draco but I will never look at you the same way again." luscious put his head down then we went there home I spent most of my time in Draco's room just looking at the picture of us together at school before he died. "Why did you have to die." I put the picture down and sat up and looked at the floor just wishing he was alive. "Tell my brother up there I love him." I went downstairs to find Draco in the garden. "Draco?" he turned and looked at me then he walked up to me. "How are you doing." "it still hurts but I'll be ok I have you." I kissed him and he kissed me back then we walked around the garden hand and hand and I'm telling him stories of me and Cedric. "Rest in peace Cedric."

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