Draco's birthday

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I woke up in Draco's arm's in his room he was lightly snoring which was so cute, I slowly got up and put on one of his shorts and went downstairs to get something to eat and to make Draco his birthday breakfast. "Morning Mrs Malfoy." "oh morning dear your just in time to help me make Draco's breakfast." "oh I was hoping to make my famous chocolate chip pancakes." "oh he would love that." I got the stuff I need and started mixing them up then I heard a yawn I turn to see Draco. "Oh no mister." "what?" "go back to bed you should sleep in a bit." "oh come on." "I said go back to bed mister." "huh ok I guess I'm still tired." "then go." I kissed his cheek and sent him back to bed and went back to cooking. "That was close." "yep." I flip the last pancake and then put it on the plate, then Put syrup and a candle on it. I slowly walk to his room and open the door and he was asleep. "Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you." he slowly opens his eye's and smile. "Happy birthday dear Draco, happy birthday to you." he sat up and I put his food down and he below out the candle. "Thanks babe." "your welcome, happy birthday." he ate his breakfast and he even gave some to me. "Did you make this." "sure did." "it's wonderful thank you, your a great cook." "thank you." he finishes his last pancake and wipes off his face. "I'll take this and wash it and I'll be right back." "hey did you get me a gift." "maybe." I walked out and saw my mom talking to luscious, then Draco came down. "I told you I would be back." "I missed you." I smiled at him then he saw my mom. "Why is your mom here." "not sure." I walked in and my mom turned and had a huge bruise on her. "Oh my god mom what happened." "sweetheart I'm ok." "what happened." "fell and hit my head." "mom." then a guy walked out of the kitchen and she put her head down. "Did he hurt you." "what did you tell her." "nothing baby Really." he came at her but I pulled my wand and he laughed. "What are you going to poke me to death." "Nikita he's a muggle." "muggle or not I will do it." "Nikita put it down." "no he hurt my mother so I will hurt him." I had a strong voice but tears were falling down my face. "Nikita don't he's not worth it." I looked at Draco with his hand out I lowered my wand and gave it to him then the muggle hit me. "Ahhh." "NIKITA!" soon Draco, mom and Draco's father had there wands out. "It's over." "now get out." he just laughed then mom hit him with a spell and the grave yard came back and I saw Cedric. "NO Cedric No!" Draco ran to me and held me as I cried. "Shh it's ok shh don't cry." he picked me up bridal style and took me to his room and I cried my self to sleep in his arm's. I woke an hour later and Draco was rubbing my arm with his eye's closed. "Draco." "hum." "I'm sorry." "for what." "for ruining your birthday." he sat up and looked at me with a sad look. "You didn't you couldn't help but have a flashback." "I just miss him so much it hurts." "I know baby I know." I wiped my tears then I remembered Draco's gift and got up and grabbed my bag. "What are you doing." I smiled and pulled out a box and sat on his bed. "Well go on open it." he smiled and opened it. "A picture of us." "last year at the ball." "it's prefect." he kissed me and I kissed back, I smiled in the kiss and pushed him down. "You are so beautiful." "hahah." I climbed on him and kissed his neck. "Mmm." I smiled and kissed him again and then licked his neck. "Oh Nikita." "You like that." he nodded his head and ask I went to kiss his neck again his door started to open so I jumped off. "Nikita dear someone is here for You." "I'll be right there." she closed the door and I looked at Draco and he was red and showing. "Hahaha you go excited." "a bit yeah." I pulled his cover off and kissed him there then his lips and went downstairs to see who was here. "Moody what are you doing here." "to let you know that tomorrow you are need to be at the Order of The Phoenix." "but why." "you want to see your friend's right." "what time?" "after you eat use your broom." "yes moody." he smiles then leaves. "Well we're glad you were with us for most of the summer." "me too." "your leaving." I turned to see Draco upset. "Draco." he went to his room and I went after him. "Draco please." "your leaving." "tomorrow." "your still leaving you promised me you would stay all summer." "they need me that's the only reason why I'm leaving." "No you rather be with Potter then me!" I looked at him in shock. "I can't believe you said that to me." I had tears in my eye's and he just looked at me. "If your going to be like that then I'll leave now." I grabbed my bag and ran out. "Nikita wait I'm sorry please." I ignored him and ran outside. "Mad eye I want to go now." "then let's go." I got on my broom and flew off I looked back to see Draco standing there so I went faster. "There it is." we landed and he tapped his cane then the building grew "wow." I walked in and looked around then I was attached by my brother. "Nikita your here early." "yeah." he pulls away and looks at me. "What's wrong." "Draco and I got into a fight that's why I'm here." "I'm sorry sis."

*Draco's P.O.V.*
I sat in my room crying because I drove her away and it killed me. I looked and saw the picture of me and her from last year. "We were so happy." "Draco dear." "I drove her away." "she was upset." "yeah because I said she rather be with Potter then me." "Draco her brother asked for her that's why she smiled." "I'm such an idiot." "NO your not you just didn't want her to leave." I looked at the picture and my mom walked out I just remembered the night we snuck off to the third floor bath. "I'm sorry Nikita I over reacted please forgive me." I sat the picture on my night stand and looked at it until I fell asleep.

* Nikita's P.O.V.*
I woke up the next morning and my pillow was socked with tears. "Nikita you ok." "should I go back to talk to him." "huh I don't know." "I left on his birthday and I going to stay until noon." "I'm sorry Nikita." "the bad thing is that I still love him." "he still loves you." I went downstairs and saw Sirius. "Sirius." I ran to him and hugged him. "How are you dear." "not good, me and Draco had a fight last night." "I'm sorry but give him time." "she wants to go and talk to him today." "dear." "he might be calm and I can explain to him." "go, he needs you." "really." "yes." I smiled and ran out with my broom and flew to his house. "Huh here goes nothing." I walked to his door and knocked and he answered. "NIKITA, I'm so sorry I didn't mean anything I said." "I'm sorry to I ruined your birthday." "NO I did." "you I can't stay my brother was the one that asked for me." "I know I'm just glade you came to talk." "me too king." "my little snake."

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